
As much as this story makes me cringe, I am deeply saddened at how lonely that woman must have felt that she needed to keep her mother's corpse to keep her company. She must have missed her so much.

How dare you? They were meant for each other!

Hi. Woman here. I have PCOS, which means I don't shed my uterine lining without medication. My hormones freak the fuck out and I gain massive amounts of weight in a short period of time and also generally feel like shit. The medication most used to treat PCOS is a birth control pill. Nice try with the whole "women

Although I was still a gray, I miss the good ol' days before kinja when obvious trolls weren't visible (nor were their rape gifs!), and spam was nonexistent. I just wanted to use this opportunity to say that.

How is it that the Supreme Court is aware of Hobby Lobby having previously provided coverage for the very birth control they claim to be so morally against (not to mention their investments and importing from China) and still rule in their favor?

No, allow me to pay for my own birth control out of insurance which is part of my compensation.

OK, so now that I've been able to fully grasp the situation, I realize that somewhere along the way, white people have taken the term "basic bitch" and given it their own definition. I am surprised to see the term has "crossed over." Up until now, it's the type of slang I wouldn't use in conversation with a white

Jezebel Basic

The longer I work at parenting, the more convinced I am about the importance of time outs and counting 1-100 (if need be). Kids can be infuriating but I agree that there's no need to hit. Working on it!

Nancy Grace's reveal was so bizarre, I don't know what a normal parent's reaction would be.

Sidenote: Obviously I don't have much sympathy for the parents now that all the abuse stuff has surfaced, but what a fucking horrible person Nancy Grace is for the 20 second pause in between saying "your son has been found in

I'm Molly from the article (and from the Jezebel article "I Help Desperate Women, And I Could Go To Jail For It). If you need information about how to obtain or use these pills, contact me at

I'm not even done reading yet, but this? "I twisted the blender to disengage it. Instead of coming off intact, the glass pitcher unscrewed from its base, sending soup gooshing out the bottom. I screwed it back tight as fast as I could. There was soup in my shoe. I was so hungry."

It was interesting. First, I pretended to be their "patient" to verify that their info was inaccurate. And yeah, the information was incredibly inaccurate. When I was heading out, I saw a whole row of women in the waiting room. I told them the info was inaccurate and that they could follow me to a place that actually

I have done this.

I'm guessing Chief Justice has been to lots of abortion clinics, as his wife is a well known anti-abortion-rights advocate. I really don't understand why he's allowed to rule on these cases that directly affect his wife's position as the goddamn lawyer for "Feminists For Life."

ah, Polk County. Last July my husband started a new job there for the school district, and the local newspaper ran a front page story introducing him and some other new employees. Then, on the next page, they ran a story about a home invasion which involved a suspect with the same last name, and accidentally used my