Jonathan Carpenter

Yes, I’m sure io9 will properly discuss the above subjects and not go on and on about the latest fandom to lose their collective minds over something dumb. Or try to squeeze meaningful storytelling and character development blood from some Netflix show that is clearly, clearly meant for kids first and not 20 and 30

The movie doesn’t come out until December. The only trailer we have shows barely anything about the plot. I think it’s a bit early for these types of thinkpieces, don’t you think?

That fetus was complicit in her crimes and warrants, and in fact, pulled a knife on the officer. The video won’t show it, but that doesn’t show what the officer saw. 

That picture up there is a war crime under the Geneva Conventions and should be removed immediately

I know we shouldn’t judge people by their appearances, but man that guy is setting off every douchebag alert I have.

I’m getting the feeling Dennis Rodman is playing Grand Theft Auto 2037 on the PlayStation 12, the first time-traveling AR console, written by a 14-year-old on “baking soda” a nanobot-aided psychotropic. 

The time difference isn’t relative (5 years = 5 hours); just for Scott it happened to be 5 hours. That’s why they needed Tony Stark to make the “temporo-spatial GPS” to navigate properly. To borrow another time-traveller’s phrase: it’s all a bit wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey.

At this point, there’s no pleasing the entirety of SW fandom. It’s going to be “That’s not enough, I need moaaarrrrr” or “The sequel trilogy ruined my childhood!”

cut it close with the new mutants postponement news.

So hope it’s Rian Johnson’s trilogy and not whatever the Confederate creators’ pulled out of their butts. 

I’m not trolling! I sincerely liked the movie! I don’t get why everyone hates it so much!

It’s a deliberate bad take on io9's part to troll readers.

Did you check the site today? It was Endgame complaining day. 

I thought that when Nebula got back, she was intentionally avoiding contact with the others, so she wouldn’t get the “hey, didn’t you have a metal arm?” question.

I have no idea how you can possibly describe anything I said as being an ass. Like, none. I have no idea where this kind of hostility comes from.

Plus, Nebula was fucking great throughout the entire movie and got one of the more interesting character arcs in a Marvel flick.

I know that I have a different perspective on this, and am not here to minimize a person’s feelings on the matter, but this hostility feels misplaced. Endgame was here to serve as a conclusion to a narrative arc, not to build up new characters. The hostility should be in the fact that Marvel hasn’t done enough

The true surprise cameo that NO ONE is talking about:

She was reportedly unhappy when they got rid of Patty Jenkins as director of Thor 2, which is why she didn’t want to reprise her role in Ragnarok. Then again, that movie ended up going in a completely different direction, so it was probably for the best.

I saw the all girl team-up starting to happen, and did a eye roll of epic proportions. In my head, I was like “really?!!!”.

Then I look down and to my right at my 6 year old daughter and she leaps to her feet with her fist in the air and high-fives my wife.

These are not problems at the location I shop at.”