No. This is not the topic to try to go “but on the other hand”. THERE IS NO OTHER HAND. The toxicity needs to stop, end of conversation.
No. This is not the topic to try to go “but on the other hand”. THERE IS NO OTHER HAND. The toxicity needs to stop, end of conversation.
Most people live on the east extreme of their time zone. You can easily visualize this with Boston to DC being very east, and then Chicago/StL being east in central. Hard to overcome those numbers, but not a single US Metro area in the top 10 is on the extreme west side of their time zone, except maybe Dallas. Even…
“But at some point, accept that a creator is telling their story, not a custom tailored story for each person that doesn’t want to deal with [x], [y], or [z].”
Personally, I’m so used to having a dozen versions of these characters that the emulation-without-actual-appearance thing doesn’t bother me at all, just reminds me of the handful of cartoons they’re all in. Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 was quite enjoyable and had the imitation voices and appearances too, especially Star…
I don’t think anyone is going to read it that way. There’s literally no reason McHale would give a quote about that, speaking for someone else mentioned in the same sentence, and that’s a common way to lead into a quote anyway.
This is not a situation where you call a dream expert. What you do is you wake up, pretend you never had that dream, do whatever is necessary to get it out of your head up to and including washing your brain out with bleach, and whatever you can’t manage to forget you stuff deep down inside in the same place as all…
Im in a relationship now (about six months in and its going fabulously!) so we are quarantining together, but before I met him I went on several shitty dates with guys I met on dating apps. Most ghosted me or would tell me some variation of “Im not emotionally ready for a relationship” after stringing me along.
Remember kids.
but he’s already got the boat. like the 6 kids. the choice part was made a while back. now it’s a need.
And there’s no point in telling the people sharing this that it’s fake. “Well, you never know and it can’t hurt... .”
Solid post. I think you probably could have cut a sentence or so out. (Probably choose between “Beating a dead horse by the end...” and “A good chunk of the beginning...”) You also don’t need the ‘imo’. The reader knows it’s your opinion.
Versace was hard going in general. No shame there. Completely different from this show when you watch someone get their head chopped off.
BINGO. You gave better advice this time than the Dr. I have strong feelings about religion being that I grew up in it. If you have to program your children into believing it when they’re kids - there’s a problem with your faith. If it’s logical, makes sense and is defensable - is it necessary to program your kids to…
There’s a reasonable disagreement and then there’s being an asshole for no good reason, TTBR, and you’re trending really close to the latter half of that equation.
Everyone knows that one flus on those airplane toilets will suck out everything, including your intestines if you're still sitting on the can, so that second flush isn’t necessary and can only be a signal to set off the bomb.
Right? A two hour movie is too long but people will gladly binge watch a show for 8 hours straight?
I actually like these compared to the usual photo shopped to death pics I see of cosplay. Photoshop has become a crutch for cosplay and I wish that photographers would do more photos with minimum altering instead of the heavy editing they tend to do now.
Just okay lol Get out of here edge lord, the starbucks hipster cafe is that way.
Having done an (admittedly brief) image search on Google, the two characters have completely different ages, outfits, and give off completely different attitudes in the poses they’re drawn in. The similarity seems to be that they’re black and there’s a dinosaur.