Ah, this old song and dance.
Ah, this old song and dance.
Oh, fuck it. Make the kids noodles and butter, no damned ranch-flavoring. They’re good and kids like them.
Warning Shark
After only two posts I know for an absolute certainty that you are a complete douche.
Back in time to when they were finishing up the Empire State Building? Great, now on top of everything they have to deal with the Daleks,
I did notice that the voice over announcer following the episode said that AoS will return soon, and while everyone assumes next May, nothing is on record.
Julia Louis*-Dreyfus 2024: “What the hell is wrong with this country?”
EVERYTHING is a flash in the pan compared to a movie that was essentially the only blockbuster playing for five years, with inflation-adjusted receipts boosted by a depressed US dollar.
This service barely makes sense for people with kids (you’re way better off just spending the $7 on that one disney movie your kid is gonna watch 9000 time in the next two years)
Let me tl:dr the article for you:
Of course, healthy people are well known for arson.
My favourite Japanese egg preparation is the onsen tamago (hotspring egg). If you cook a whole egg at 65 C, the yolk ends up set but creamy, and the white still soft and custard-like. Crack that on a bowl of freshly cooked udon (no soup), add some mentaiko, diced green onion, a bit of pickled ginger, and crunchy bits…
Reader’s Digest writers do not have children I see.
HBB=endless possibilities
Hairy Balls Bastard
Had Bukkake Breakfast
Han Bshot Bfirst
Holy Buttcramp Batman
-ok, enough time wasted
The skeptic in me wonders just how he managed to tweet about his predicament if he was falling through the sky. The trauma alone of being ejected through the toilet into a low oxygen atmosphere would likely render him unable to text or even speak.
You know, I was just generally indifferent about this until the knee belts. Dude took functional pants, cut them in half, and reattached them with safety pins and belts.
Tough choice. On the one hand, Mitch McConnell has been easily the most reprehensible person in politics for the last 10 years. On the other hand, McGrath doesn’t line up 100% with my vision of what I think a liberal should be, so...
Sometimes the writers here come off as living in a bubble.
I don’t need her to be a leftist dream, I need her to be better than Mitch. It’s a pretty low bar. Campaigning in a way that talks to voters she needs to win over, conservatives who have probably voted red their whole lives (or voted southern democrat when that was still a thing) is smart.