Jonathan Carpenter

Are the vacant-stare eyeballs mandatory or are they just everybody’s favorite

That last bullet point in the post made me chuckle this morning. I’ll never understand these people who get so attached to a product a company makes like its their girlfriend. They will fight on forums over it and get butt hurt if someone says something bad about it. Fan boys are idiots.

Huh? Might be a spoiler, but there is a large arcade Donkey Kong contingent to the playthrough of New Donk City.

Privilege, and whatnot.  

Your father’s a dumbass.

I understand the thinking here: why shouldn’t girls display the same confidence as boys?

I always noticed more girls with their hands up when I was in school

Come on... Bowser being in this game is only a mild spoiler. However, Mario being playable is a major spoiler!

This sounds like the time I met Donald Trump while wearing Trump clothing.

Eh I disagree. I remember a lot of people talked shit about The Last of Us coming out with a remaster on PS4 about a year after it originally released on PS3, saying it was unnecessary. But perhaps a lot of people didn’t have a PS3 and missed out to play it originally but then got a PS4. That was the situation I found

The dev studios that do remakes and remasters often don’t make original games. They may lack the story writers, level designers, game play designers, and art department that a new game would require. So no, a remake like this isn’t taking resources away from a new game’s creation. It’s mrerely taking away from the

God I would have loved to be in that meeting.

Hopefully it unlocks a golden Bowser shit.

Obama was black. And a Democrat. There are different rules for those types of people. Get with the program.

I’ve always thought Ivanka’s use of words was compelling interest sincerely.

Yep no matter what the trust level can never ever ever return, it can get close, but it will always be lower than before. I was just talking about this with my therapist, how even after reconciling you’re living a double life because even when things are great that nagging feeling of mistrust is never going to go

Finally a controller fit for a President!

Kellyway always lookin like she just died a week ago and is being propped up with new clothes and makeup

“Have you noticed that our caps have actually got little pictures of skulls on them? Hans... are we the baddies?”

I sometimes feel bad about shooting Nazis in Wolfenstein but only because it’s far more satisfying to repeatedly stab them in the neck. But sometimes you just have too much shit to do and time is fleeting.