It’s the eye of the martyr
It’s the thrill of the Right
Rising up to the challenge of our (Supreme Court) trial
And the last known dissenter
Thinks Jesus supports her plight
And she’s watching us all with the eyeeeeeeeeeee ... of the martyr
It’s the eye of the martyr
It’s the thrill of the Right
Rising up to the challenge of our (Supreme Court) trial
And the last known dissenter
Thinks Jesus supports her plight
And she’s watching us all with the eyeeeeeeeeeee ... of the martyr
That fucking flag. I had a student who insisted on wearing a flag hoodie, then bitched to his parents about how I was allowing him to be bullied for wearing it. I explained to his parents that I fully supported his right to wear it, and anyone found to be violating his right to do so would be punished. HOWEVER, if you…
Not to mention that the book(s) that Christianity is derived from include formal validations and acceptance of slavery by none other than “God” himself. Gee, where could a 19th century white southerner get the notion that owning slaves was his right? Oh yeah! The bible.
She’s gonna get initiated
Fuck Tyga.
Approximately nothing about that surprises me.
I got my hair cut yesterday, and at the salon I overheard an older woman talk about how she loved Trump because he was going to “take care of Hillary”, and how she can’t wait to see that happen. I have to wonder if he’s popular right now, not because of what he is, but of what he isn’t.
I’ve made this point before. Jon helped create this monster in his own way. He has given Huckabee lots of time on his show to hype his horrid books and on the rare occasion, Jon would offer a slight challenge to Huckabee on some of his political stances. Kinda like the faux-buddy thing he does with Bill O’Reilly.
So we’re just going to pretend that Stewart hasn’t had Huckabee on his show multiple times in the past, doing totally softball, completely sychophantic interviews with him, helping Huckabee burnish his “cool Republican” image? Yeah, Jon, we get why you couldn’t say anything.
Huckabee is the worst one to me. Trump is either a light weight ego-driven blowhard or he’s playing a cynical long game to get money and attention - I suspect it’s a little of column A and a little of column B.
Huckabee is an idiot but Jon Stewart is getting tired. I won’t miss him. It won’t happen but it is time for higher political satire.
I keep seeing comments (not necessarily on this post but on the interwebz in general) about how Alabama is the most racist place, or Massachusetts is the most racist place, or Idaho is the most racist place. Fighting about who is the most racist seems like a waste of time. Celebrating non-racist places would be more…
How about piss poor editing? That’s always a safe bet around here.
How about piss poor editing? That’s always a safe bet around here.
It’s even worse than that. He wrote it with Vince Vaughn in mind! That’s his idea of tailoring a character to the performer. It is a complete fucking mystery to me how this guy gets work. Ok, not a complete mystery, I think he’s got the right touch of macho bullshit in his personal presentation that industry people…
“I like Big Dicks and I cannot lie, you other sisters can’t deny, that when a brother walks in with a six-pack stomach and cucumber in your face, you get sprung!”
I love the disparate ways in which abortion is referred to on this show - “operations” and “scrape jobs”.
Being from TX, I know how the cops here operate and it is shady as shit. They will illegally search you at their convenience and pull you over for absolutely nothing. I was very recently arrested after I fell asleep in the grass on a Sunday and was told I was being taken to jail on a 10 year old warrant. I have never…
What is it with women how clap like this? Kidman always claps with her finger stretched out like a 5 year old. It’s very odd to see a grown woman doing it.
Batman: Arkham Knight still doesn’t run well on PC, and it’s not clear when (or if) that might change anytime soon.…