Dead Lemons

There is a thing called the internet, you’re on it right now. Knowledge my friend, it's how we became the dominate species on this planet, that and opposable thumbs.

Are you not doing what the writer of this post even mentioned in said article , nitpicking? Your username even belays that fact. Some things are more important than our health and safety when we go to the doctors or the food we eat?


Wow you're a real jerk you know that? You belittle people who voice their concerns about Clinton then make snide remarks about Bernie and his supporters.

Get off your high horse

Dollars to donuts your an asshole

And so are the democrats. I feel like some may have voted purely for brownie points. I find it hard to believe they care about lgbt youth & the abuse they suffer everyday.

Smh at how much of a fdcs you are. (Fucking dipshit cock stain)

Go fuck yourself you cold hearted prick

It’s due to the fact that we have a political party full b-holes that we need 60 votes every time something is voted on in Congress. As far as I’m concerned each and every one does not deserve their position in government as well as a place in the human race in general.

U talkin’ U2 2 Me? What’s your fuckstyle bro?