
How nice of you to admit he’s probably a good person...and then you call him an idiot. Would be nice if you had the mental capacity to see nuances in the world and accept that maybe people can disagree with you...and that he’s not an idiot if he said ALM. Never mind, rail on knee jerk fuckface

You have a dizzying intellect.
And thank you for proving my point about pedophiles on Gawker.

Those glorious cans. They deserve a fresh coat of wax.

No, I’m not trolling. Just making the point that you calling someone ignorant or something racist based on your arbitrary terms (that you feel ALM is racist so it must be) is wrong.

Well as long as we’re just making shit up as we go:

Calling people ignorant without understanding them or their views.

Says he doesn’t go out looking to play the victim, and the next line says he’s been a victim of racism his entire life.

Spot on.

Way to defend men crying about sports! You, um, showed him something!

Ignore these guys replying to you. They clearly all bawl like babies (despite being “men”)

Who cares? The way she grips it, while she has that determined look on her face is enough for me.

Not surprised that Melo is advocates not passing the ball on this.

Stop distracting him. He’s presently serving me Starbucks.

What a bunch of laughing tools yanking each other’s dicks. I guess because it’s GSW, they get a Deadspin pass?

Because of Kevin Durant’s lack of balls, we will never know. On the plus side, he won’t have to worry about Draymond striking them in practice.

Hmm, but he seems like the type of self-righteous blowhard who would excel at say, writing for Deadspin.

TL; DR. The most important take away here is there are a number of good looking female runners.

Greg Howard? Typing through tears...


There’s no good publicity like all PR...even if it means you’re branded as a psycho, young boy luster, amiright? Go Blew!