
Well you can only change once per week. So you’d be stuck in FWC for a minimum of a week

Exactly. In my experience as an IT guy and part time computer repair shop, Macs are about as common as unicorns. No industry, outside of graphic design, provide employees/students with macs. I tell parents who have college kids who want macs, because all the other hipster college kids are using macs, to get them

Talking about fees when you’re poor and one of them being “fees for paying with a certain type of card” really illustrate your lack of the term poor.

It does look amazing. Too bad the main perk is....making glimmer.....

Luke Smith recently said that the drop rate on raid helmets is extremely low so if you have one you’re very very lucky.

I love the look! I want that helmet so freakin bad.... Thats what I like about titans. They get some of the wildest looking gear lol. I really want the Thagomizer gauntlets too but I don’t think anyone has found them yet so they may be a special event item like the Black Spindle was.

I got a 310 ghost shell to drop so I can confirm its possible. It was from the first chest where you have to run back and forth from the center to the sides in front of those doors. I get a ghost shell there almost every time.

The raid rewards are definitely broken right now. I’ve gone through the entire raid and gotten nothing but Moldering shards and Wormspore. Even from Oryx defeat....Wormspore and shards....One of my raid members went through one raid and got a complete set of armor also. So yeah...its definitely broken lol. Hopefully

When Xur shows up buy as many three of coins as you can afford. Do strikes with those active. When you do get an exotic engram If you decode them at a light level of 300 or above they have a high chance to decode as 310 level weapons and armor.

Yeah really! First they make fun of us for using the one offensive super we had calling it the “fist of panic” now they bitch when we actually get a legit offensive super which will likely get it nerfed into oblivion. Why aren’t they moaning about blade prancers who can also wipe a whole team with one super..... Or

I agree. Like last night I did a quest and the difficulty came up as Normal in green letters. Which in previous Destiny versions meant I could breeze through whatever it was solo pretty easily. Not the case lol. It was still tough as hell. It wasn’t ballbreaking hard but I had to put in a lot more effort than what I

He was at his parents house! In the mountains apparently..... It did seem to me like the PR guy of one of the wealthiest NFL teams in the league was getting interviewed by the kid that runs a high school newspaper though. How seriously could he actually take this guy who was calling him names like they were on a

And having to tell the head of PR for an NFL team that hes sorry for crappy reception cuz im like at my parents house yo. Probably down in the basement, where he lives.

Yes indeed you are correct! Slavery still happened in America. Thank you for reminding me because I haven’t been reminded in at least 30 minutes so it had almost slipped my mind. It’s not surprising that racism can’t ever really be let go since the most vocal people complaining about it are constantly hammering it

I think that if the game wasn’t a total turdfest they may not have been fired......just a crazy theory though.

I saw Colin Farrell kill an old lady on an airplane with a peanut once. We should ban peanuts.

Of course it will! There wasn’t a single murder in all of history until the gun was invented. Remember?

Freedom of speech essentially has been removed. If anybody says anything contrary to the opinions left leaning liberals or gays or minorities they are hounded and protested and burned to the ground. Even if its something as simple as “I don’t agree with your policies.” Freedom of speech is dead in America if you

The guns you are talking about people carrying ARE NOT assault rifles. Just because a hunting rifle may look like an assault rifle you probably used playing Call of Duty doesnt make it an actual assault rifle. This goes back to the lefty liberal argument where they just want to ban “scary looking” guns. They reduced