Dead Elvis, Inc.

He’s bringing shitfaced back!

Janet Jackson’s career will never recover from this.

Oh, so now he wants to be Billy Joel? 

Never put salt in your eyes.

Trump would be lucky to be fucking someone like Armie Hammer.

You need to show what is complimentary to black, white and gray, the colors of most cars sold these days.

Username-comment synergy.

But for an entertainment news web site, it’s a bit Thought Police-y to say interviews like these shouldn’t be covered whatsoever.”

Yeah, rehabilitation is bad! Once people admit to doing bad things, they should never do anything again! They should just become online accountants, and never leave their homes, ever!

Are you saying you’re not going to watch his cooking show on YouTube?

LA is great for oilmen’s museums. The Getty is pretty great too.

As is the fact the that I believe he owns an arm, and at least one hammer.

When Carpenter first met Antonoff some years ago, she “was peeing my pants because I wanted to work with him for my whole life.”

“I love his work, he makes me sound like everyone else!”

This is going to kill Harley & the bar ‘n’ shield cult.

Maybe you are making a joke, but the Armand Hammer he is named after made his money in oil. He did buy some stock in Arm & Hammer as a joke, but the name is completely coincidental.

Wow, this almost seems like an AVClub article circa 2013. It helps that it isn’t in slideshow format and that the headline isn’t written from the POV of brain-damaged A.I.

The Man Who Ate U.N.C.L.E.

His family’s loaded, right? If he really wants to make something “outside of the Hollywood system,” it shouldn’t be that hard for him. He probably has a bunch of time shares he can use as locations too.

it remains very, very funny to me that his career completely evaporated because he was too horny.