Dead Elvis, Inc.

I’m a big fan of Gordon Ramsay mostly not commenting on the heat of the sauces but complaining constantly about the shittiness of the wings themselves.

“I worked in a tire shop in Philly once and it’s just crazy people working together, dudes that are nuts, everyday physical fights. It’s crazy.”


AV Club Presents Dawes Sponsored By Hormel Black Label Bacon and Introduced By Frank Stallone

Lol, classic AV Club aging hipster douche comment. 10/10.


Gotta respect that artistic integrity. If you don’t think a follow up will live up to the old standard, don’t do it. I wish more pop culture was created with that in mind.

Yeah, it’s a pretty blatant cash grab.  There’s an afterward by Crichton’s wife talking about how much time he had invested in this story, but based on his other books I doubt very much of that made it into the finished product. And I had the same thought about Patterson. I’d be surprised if he did any writing on it.

I like how the AV Club acts like it was disappointed to get Shane instead of Ariana Grande, instead of dancing in the hallways over the chance to publish yet another Shane Gillis clickbait piece (assuming the AV Club still has hallways?  I don’t know how this stuff works now)

Until the Eye Of Sauron AV focuses on JK Rowling once more, for now we are stuck with updates of Shane Gillis’ every move whenever he dares to actually attempt to advance his career.

Remember how that financier weasel Martin Skreli bought that secret Wu-Tang Clan album and kept it private? After he was convicted of securities fraud he had to auction it off, but I don’t know what happened to it after that.

At least millionares aren’t doing that and then like, keeping it all to themselves.

Oh my God guys we get it, you don’t like the guy. Jesus, until he starts going full Michael Richards (or at least Dave Chappelle) let it die already.

Yes, but people under 30 are idiots.

First We Feast had literally already posted the announcement Gillis was set for Jun 13th before they hinted that Arianna Grande might be on someday. So funny that this writer spends a whole article shitting on a wildly successful comedian because she, an entertainment writer, couldn’t be bothered to do as much

Now playing

I think that angsty period had a lot to do with the tragic death of Tugger.

I thought middle-aged is when you take up jousting.

Middle aged doesn’t mean halfway through your life, the middle age is the bit when you’re well into adulthood but not yet classed as old

I like middle aged, don’t give a fuck, nothing left to prove so let’s take jobs for the fun and the money Russell Crowe. Much better than the angsty early version.

Hoping for The Nice Guys 2.

Nope. He said some asshole things, got fired for it, adjusted his comedy a bit, and now he’s really successful. He admits why he got fired and pretty much makes fun of everyone, including right wingers. I haven’t seen his full specials, just various clips, but he kind of reminds of Dane Cook or Daniel Tosh. Not the