Dead Elvis, Inc.

You get a star. My chicken sandwich tastes better without the side of hate. 

I'm sure the government will confine its use of wall to wall surveillance technology to the purest and most noble activities.

And yet, Jollibee has the best fried chicken and chicken sandwich, they’re superior to all the other fast food chicken chains by a wide mile. 

In my area most of the restaurants only allow you to use them if you buy 4 meals.  4!!!!!!!!!  

In my area most of the restaurants only allow you to use them if you buy 4 meals.  4!!!!!!!!!  

These giftcards are an awful deal. Make sure to actually check whatrestaraunts in your area actually support it. In my neck of the woods there are only 4 and they have stipulations for use that render them way worse deals. For instance of the 4 near me all require you to buy “certificates” to use which

These giftcards are an awful deal. Make sure to actually check whatrestaraunts in your area actually

Does anyone remember the Lincoln LS V8 Sport? Nope, but it exists and it looks more like an Infiniti than a Lincoln, but here we are:

I don’t trust what chatgpt says. 

To be fair, candy corn really isn’t fit for adult consumption either. 

If you like A-1 on your steak, you don’t like the taste of steak.  You like the taste of A-1.

There are a lot of still-popular mid-late 90s bands I feel like I *should* like but don’t, Weezer is one of them.

These fucks, right here... I’m sorry but this bullshit has no place on a license plate. Save the whales, support the troops, breast cancer awareness, all fine... This, however, is not.

The world needs more Uncle Baby Billy

So this should go both ways, right? Cops shouldn’t be allowed to drive around in unmarked cars because that would be impersonating a civilian.

Also wildly on the nose that those cop cars are Black and Tan.

Virginia has the Gadsen Flag plate, too.  Unsurprisingly, the people and vehicles fit a certain stereotype.  

Needs more Uncle Baby Billy

Considering what a dumbass senator Alabama has sent to Congress, you have to admit the plate is on-brand for those crackers.

I’m sorry, do what now?

Because why not have the government still being okay with issuing plates with the stars and bars in the 21st century.