Dead Elvis, Inc.

Sometimes you just have to sit back & watch a jackass do his thing. It’s easier here, since none of us are in his douchey presence.

As usual, you miss the point by a country mile. 

Dennis, there’s a vile commenter who’s made it out of the greys here. While his comment here isn’t dripping with virulent, hateful bigotry, the rest of the comment history is truly loathsome.

That might be fun, briefly, if the voice is Police Academy-era Bobcat, but contemporary Bob would be more palatable in the long run. 

Hordes of AI lawyers are working on how to use corporate personhood to plug this terrible loophole right now, you slanderous meatbag!

But only moderately foul, without said stink lines!

I find a little Gas-X takes care of the persistent can demons.

I wouldn’t eat a minge redolent of cheese, but this? Definitely. 

Cognitive dissonance implies there was cognition to start with.

Hey man, I’m not here to judge.

Will you be fucking it, as Chef Evan Funke suggested above?

I literally* LOL’d at that!

You’re just an asshole. That Crystal roleplay was absolute bullshit, like all the rest of your commentary here.

Your foundational premise is flawed, so no, this is not a taco.

Who was that “certain guy”?

congrats, I guess 

Like fucking hell it isn’t!

That’s quite the fancy Hot Pocket they’ve created.

Krispy Kreme is wildly overrated.