Dead Elvis, Inc.

Peace Vans - for when you need to turn your $12.5k Vanagon into a $35k Vanagon!

Large grocery stores often have dry ice available in very reasonable quantities, 8-10 lbs blocks. Any fish monger that ships will likely have it as well. Leather work gloves are more than enough protection to handle it safely. 

I hope you die painfully & slowly.

Never forget - #jimspanfellerisaherb

My favorite is the defunct Hartford Whalers.

Do it!


I’ve always known the Rachel as a smoked turkey variation.

Nah, he absolutely understands what it means. This is just willful misrepresentation - you know, typical GQP shit - in order to whip up his idiot base to fund his own grifty ends.

I’ve lingered/kept drinking long enough after a boozy, late breakfast to leave the establishment after sundown. Even if I could remember vomiting, it would have been too dark to see.

A complete waste of ingredients” it is!

Between the completely off-putting photos & testimony from other Colorado residents claiming this is sub-par pizza, no thanks.

Truly, a waste of perfectly good water.

Are there many monkeys in Scotland?

It is right, you condescending twat

I fail to see a problem here.

He’s just an asshole. 

Maybe you just need to smoke a ton of Colorado weed first in order to appreciate it.

I’ll sign the hell out of that petition!