Dead Elvis, Inc.

Dave Barton’s the source for those.

The AW7x found in these is absolutely capable of just as much (i.e., moderate amounts at best) hustle as the three pedal version. The ratios are better matched in the autos, too.

Maybe you’re just not Jim Jarmusch enough for that flavor.

That sounds great, but way too much effort with a real hangover; and few breakfast joints are going to get it *that* right.

At this point, if you still expect more from this place (or from this author), that’s entirely on you.

For when your navigator really, really fucks up!

I wonder how many grocery stores actually offered cake 80 years ago. It was a very different retail landscape.

Jalopnik covered a different sort of DNA-dog recently:

Sounds like he might kill himself

The problem with society here is we are allowing lower levels of crime to be ok. It eventually turns to bigger crime. Proven.

Nuke the gay whales for Jesus while visualizing whirled peas!

Are you unfamiliar with Splinter’s tedious shtick? Lucky you!

Welcome to Spanfeller’s Herbiverse - nothing but the simplest-minded content will do. 

Even in extremely rural northern New England in the 1970s, celery root/celeriac was common.

I wouldn’t use an old school pressure cooker like that, either. More prone to clogging & violent failure than contemporary ones. 


Toss in a generous pinch of allspice before you slide the egg into the syrup, thank me later. (A titch of finely ground white pepper does graceful things here with the allspice.)

Dutch oven & stovetop pressure cooker here, and so yeah, these just never seemed that compelling to me.

The specific ingredient at the core of the lawsuit is a synthetic flavoring agent called DL malic acid.

STFU, tomato.