Dead Elvis, Inc.

“Be lazy, donate them to friends” sums up this blogger’s approach.

OT, but you seem to have acquired another “admirer”:

I would sue anyone inflicting a Dr. Pepper on my taste buds, but I’ll settle for a cool $250K. 

Are you bullying this author?!?


What’s up with that copsucker flag on the roof? 

The lack of MSG is how you know this couldn’t possibly be a Claire Lower joint!

Counterpoint: don’t be a slob. Wipe stuff down before it goes in the fridge. Bonus - you’re not wasting plastic wrap & time. 

You’ll likely enjoy his piece published over at the Autopian last month:

Not really. 

You seek out places like that, don’t you.

“What is “fucked”?

I think you’ve missed the point, stated at the top:

What about the Jewish population?

That fuckwit Joe Rogan promoted it for ages. His audience is disappointingly large & easily directed, and unsurprisingly bound up. 

Her reaction to its existence is rational, doped up or not. She had no duty to inflict that awareness on anyone else!

I blame Claire for the fact that I’m now aware of this, and would like you to share my upset:

Are you looking to get your ass kicked by Mercedes Streeter?! She’ll only tolerate so much shit talk about Smarts!

Plain (possibly “Original”) Goldfish are an exceptional addition to Chex mix, if you’re inclined to make that yourself.