Dead Elvis, Inc.

Some people are amazingly, depressingly stupid. 

Kaukauna (or the parent company) eventually absorbed both Wispride & Merkt. Having grown up snacking on Wispride, I can’t see a difference in the contemporary Kaukauna version - smoked cheddar or port wine, please!

It’s fine, when cited properly:

Sure (brown sugar & cinnamon ftw!) but enough butter makes the unfrosted versions perfectly edible.

Apply the end of a stick of butter to them as soon as they brown up a bit, then put em back in until it bubbles. (Only have a standard vertical slot toaster? Tough shit, I guess)

Good ones deserve a proper tip o’ the cap. 

Nearly As Ridiculous Bird

Wait, is this a fairy tale?

Is it really a Super Bird without the wing?

I lost a bet.

and not so much a “hold my beer” but more “hand me another & watch this” kinda ride.

Out of the grey with ye!

It’s not cool to like people who, like, golf.

Nancy’s or GTFO

Instructions unclear.

A typo?! On Jalopnik, in the toxic herb era?!?

Thank you for your service. 

The state of general science education in this country shares the blame.

So you’re saying you’d prefer pieces only about restaurants that appear in all 50 states? Enjoy reading about nothing but major fast food chains, then. 

Like I said earlier, you seem fun.