Dead Elvis, Inc.

The demand from the craft brewing industry for recently-emptied bourbon barrels has increasingly kept more of those here in the US over the last 10 years or so. 

Someone having fun with ad space, or just hilarious algorithms doing their thing?!

If you don’t insist on one with a manual, they’re a bit cheaper.

They had 6 digit odos.

Or consider this: the Bertone coupe is an abomination - a disgusting perversion - and this is pure, simple, perfectly-proportioned beauty.

Obviously I need to adjust my adblocking, but I enjoyed the placement of this ad:

I don’t doubt Convery’s wine tastes great

Well, he certainly comes across as a huge piece of shit, and presents as a Richard Branson wanna-be with that hairdo. 

here in SoCal don’t discount the value of the DMV services


By “romance”, I assume you mean “ether-soaked rag, duct tape, and zip ties”, and unfamiliarity with the meaning of consent.

Add a tall boy of PBR or your preferred cheap beer of choice. Works a treat for bratwurst, couldn’t hurt for dogs

Spoked wheels on a 240?! TASTELESS! 😂

From the sounds of it (massive complaints from friends in both places), Portland had it a bit worse.

I’m beginning to think processed foods might not be that great

Can’t eat too many Twinkies in pursuit of that goal.

The Midwest is a corner?

Vermont Smoke and Cure … sells entire pepperoni sticks that need to be hand-sliced but do a beautiful job of curling up when baked.

Driving a quiet brick would be unnerving.