Dead Elvis, Inc.

the LEAST offensive, non-factory-farm sustained fast food restaurant.

rope-a-dope it is, then!

No one could possibly be that misinformed.

Found Mayo Mike.

There’s one more than enough in every crowd.

Let kindness be its own reward.

If you’re an enthusiast of folks talking about shit for which they have no business doing, I’d highly recommend the weekend content at Lifehacker. Elizabeth Yuko’s your future fave!

I hadn’t looked closely, but I’m not sure the Nuge has many Québécois fans. 🤷‍♂️

“Lunchables are gross”

You’re asking that little “if” to do one hell of a lot of work there.

No, but please do explain why you had such a thought.

This isn’t the place to come for solid advice, despite what you may have been told.

Emery cloth

The only good Republican is a dead one.

Swollen from being over-eaten” might be less confusing, but still TMI. 


I can’t tell if you’re railing against video content in general, or more broadly against the current state of this place.

You say that as though it matters.