Dead Elvis, Inc.

How long would you be willing to stay on a sinking ship work for Herb Spanfeller?

Because that title reminds me of the palindrome, I want to believe this is a cookbook featuring things that fed the Panama Canal laborers.

3. small magnets on the four corners so you can attach them to the fridge for easy reference while cooking.

Oooh, you got greyed!

+1 for the correct spelling

That link is busted.

Throwing books is certainly more FloridaMan than reading books.

Always a good idea.

Do it! They heat up & cool down faster than cast iron (that’s not a criticism, just noting one of the big functional differences), they’re lighter, and just get better with use. They’re dirt cheap, especially at restaurant supply stores, and you can’t hurt them. 

Step it up a bit more with Vege-sal instead of celery salt. It’s great on raw vegetables too. 

Even a blind squirrel, etc. 

Consider the source, and adjust expectations downward accordingly.

If it’s on Tik Tok, it’s garbage. Don’t put any more effort into it than that.

Fahey’s review of the Snack Wraps is a classic:


stuff more wings inside

Didn’t bother reading the whole post, I see. 

My sympathies for being married to a moron.