Dead Elvis, Inc.

Heidi Meatbag

For a change. 

I am.

Eat shit, you racist fuck. 

I’ve always understood bright orange to be a warning - road construction signs, hunting gear, hazmat markings.

make sure there is greenwaste in the bottom or the can really starts to stink.

Sanka, the brand, reached the US 10-12 years before your grandmother was born. My grandparents were about the same age, and always did the same (which bewildered a few young servers in the late ‘90s - “Sanka? We have other teas, but not that one”). It’s a textbook example of genericization.

sugar-free maple syrup

Nor beans in the peen!

Lifehacker seems to be leaning harder & harder into the “hack” part of their name on a daily basis. Elizabeth Yuko’s contributions are maybe the most egregious example of Lifehacker’s decline.

I just bought a 1958 Volvo 444 last week,

I think a lot of the people who oppose Stand Your Ground laws don’t actually wish to use utilize it.

In that case - as always - you should have said nothing, because the only opinions you offer are utterly, completely shit.

This is why chicken legs and dark breasts are both considered “dark” meat;

Most bourbon/domestic whiskey barrels hold 200 L (53 gal), not 100. 100 L is an unusual size, rarely found in the US.

Not sure why Kinja seems to be garbling my post up...

Acknowledging mistakes and making corrections?! That’s not how you get hired by G/O Media herbs.

Consider going the emotional support animal route.

Assuming it is offered condescendingly, they should love it!