
Surely there are more deserving people. Without getting into it too much, I spent the last year consumed by fear and stress. I went to court and the judge ruled that my landlord was allowed to evict me. I appealed, lost again, but because I made enough money working 70 hour weeks with little food or sleep, losing 85

I just don’t agree Hollywood is the *most* morally bankrupt place on the planet, nor that it has the *most* morally bankrupt people in the world, that’s all.

I dunno’. The Catholic Church still seems worse to me.

I did not.  There goes a few more brain cells.

George Lucas’ legacy

Look at those goal posts moving!

Nobody complained about Lucy in Fallout. What is the difference between this show and that one?”

The funny thing is, there’s so many legit criticisms you can make of this show, with this week’s episode in particular having some narrative decisions just as baffling as turning half of Book of Boba Fett into Season 2.5 of The Mandalorian. But these idiots can only whine about the lack of white men, so there’s

It’s...fine. Definitely better than Kenobi, Ashoka, and Book of Boba Fett. Not nearly as good as Andor (obviously) or the first season of Mando.

The “Black Noir was an evil(er) clone of Homelander” was always a stupid twist, made even more stupid by the fact that Homelander was still evil! Just less morally responsible for how evil he was. It was abjectly stupid. Then again a lot of The Boys comic was like that: snippets of clever ideas mired in stupid

Even the MAGA dipshits love it, despite being too stupid to realize it’s about them

He said, without irony.

They caught on that they were the butt of the joke this year.

Let me fix that for you:

If you’re going to claim terrible writing, you might at least try writing the comment properly.

In before all the “culture war” nonsense comments- I’m enjoying the series for what it is.

Somehow it escaped them until now that yes—it’s always been about them.

So its just the current logo with “Comics” next to it? Ok... I don’t see the problem here? It seems like a total non-news.

She’s not being replaced by the new companion, although she might be more of a recurring companion in the next series. I don’t see the comparisons to Rose either. She’s more self assured than Rose was and has a life outside the Doctor. Aside from her mother and grandmother she has friends. Rose only really had her mum

Russell T. Davies Isn’t Worried About Doctor Who’s Low Ratings”