
Perhaps not as good as the specific theatre you frequent, but probably better than an awful lot of them.

I don’t think he’s changed at all. To my mind, Scott has always been an excellent director on a technical level, but with little or no idea of what makes for a good story. That results in him choosing a lot of hacky scripts, and while he can still be relied on to direct the hell out of them, the flaws in the writing a

The fact that he made a movie where he dies repeatedly, often in deeply unflattering ways, is what makes me kinda like him, at least as a movie star. If you can convince him that taking a humiliating pratfall is the best thing for the movie, he doesn’t seem to be overly precious about his image (or rather he

long-awaited follow-up

Women in China don’t usually take their husband’s name, so that’s not an issue. Her surname would still be Fa.

Are we sure she didn’t refuse because she could see the inevitable — an army of Trek fans accusing the franchise of going “woke”* by giving the Enterprise to a woman and spewing endless misogynistic hate in her direction?

I don’t recall if there was fellatio specifically, but Tell Me You Love Me (2007) was pretty graphic. Adam Scott got jerked off to completion on screen (with the use of a prosthetic).

Now playing

Oh, it is real, and is even at a watchable quality at Entertainment Weekly, but I guess the first embeddable version Gordon found for the article was from some rando who (badly) ripped it from there and put it on their YouTube channel.

Are you sure this is real? I didn’t get very far before giving up on peering through the poorly encoded low resolution smudge, but the YouTube channel it’s on looks like one of those that puts together fan trailers for upcoming movies and titles them as if they were official in a desperate bid for clicks. They just

She said the plot was worthless pornography

The difference is, they didn’t have to tiptoe around it here. They chose to.

Rings of Power co-showrunner Patrick McKay [...] likened [Sauron] to other great “villain-hero” protagonists, including Breaking Bad’s Walter White and The Sopranos’ Tony Soprano.

Weren't they just monks on Jedha and not actively part of the rebellion until the Rogue crew showed up?

I really don’t think you have to worry about Gideon showing up. It’s not that sort of show.

Did you get as far as “the sun is actually a spotlight” to explain the day/night cycle? The whole thing is honestly hilarious. These people can’t get their heads around the horizon not having a visible curve, but will accept one bonkers theory after the next to explain anything else that doesn’t make sense without a

People do not hate the Acolyte for having a LGBTQ+ PoC woman lead.

This isn’t even the sliding timescale. It’s simply that ~20 pages a month is not a lot of narrative real estate, and as a result comics rarely tell stories in real time, even outside of Marvel/DC’s heroes having been essentially ageless for 60 years or more.

Let me fix that for you:

I would guess that won’t be until episode 7. It’s same director as episode 3, and it seems likely that he was responsible for shooting both halves of the flashback story in one block.

This wasn’t unusually short by Star Wars standards though. The Mandalorian’s episodes average about 40 minutes, and I’d guess around a third of them are under 30 once you strip out the credits.