
It only makes the whole thing feel more vapid when you can watch Godzilla Minus One instead, and see what a really good Godzilla movie can look and feel like.  Produced at like 1/12 of the budget.

Give KotM a rewatch sometime, if you’re up for it; having recently revisited it myself, there’s plenty of dumb stuff, but it’s WAY better and the plot isn’t nearly as incoherently stupid as I remembered it being. It's got the best cinematography of the bunch by a country mile, the humans are likeable despite some

This is literally all anyone has ever asked. And I take it to reflect that Maya Hawke is confident enough as an actress and artist and comfortable enough in her career to know she’s going to be weighed favorably on her merits against her advantages and it doesn’t make her less if someone else got screwed over it. To

300, of course, was released in 2006 and became <one of the most popular and influential films of the era.> It was only Snyder’s second film but it put him on the map thanks to <his bold, ambitious vision> to bring the pages of the original Frank Miller/Lynn Varley comic book to life.”

What are you talking about?”

I still don’t understand why The Exorcist commanded such a high price. The Exorcist, as a movie, is a recognizable classic. But has a franchise, it offers nothing that isn’t already accessible to any movie about an exorcism, except maybe that theme song. Even Pazuzu is public domain, as it’s a name and figure taken

What are you talking about? The bad D+ shows are bad because they’re bad stories, badly told. It’s really that simple.

If I wasn’t already out on Rings of Power then I would be now. His section was the worst and most boring part of the trilogy of books.

The “maybe they’re just crazy in a room somewhere” trope has to be one of my least favourite lazy fan theories. It’s almost never based on anything actually present in the text - because it doesn’t need to be; if the protagonist is crazy everything is unreliable - and it usually adds nothing to the story thematically.

Nah totally disagree with this take. If anything we see in this movie it’s the Immortan Joe who’s a surprisingly competent leader. Brutal and evil, but he keeps the guzzoline flowing. Whereas we visit Gastown under Dementus’ rule and it’s a complete disaster, and he’s just trying to scheme his way into getting more

I understand studios investing in recognizable names even when the movies themselves don’t make much money at the box office. The money is in merchandise. What I don’t get is why they keep pumping this much money into producing them. They should shrink the budgets and focus on making the story good, and then dump as

It is a good movie. They only thank him because they used footage of his, as thee starting off point was violence against Antifa, soo really in thanking him it is also a giant “fuck you” to him as well

I couldn’t have said it better. It’s not about having your politics validated, it’s that civil wars don’t happen for no reason. People don’t take to the streets killing each other over minor disagreements. What led this version of America to open conflict matters to what we think about the characters in it. And the

It was a good film, I really enjoyed it. I’m also not surprised in the slightest idiots on both sides got all up in arms because the film never explicitly confirmed who started the war, red or blue ties.

It’s really cute the way McFarlane thinks Spawn will ever get made.

Monica Bellucci being somesort of... undead ethereal being makes ten kinds of sense.

I feel like Andor actually accomplished so much of what Lucas was going for in the Prequel trilogies.

FX Shogun is uniquely situated to pull off more seasons. The “source material” is real life historic events and people and there’s much more to tell about Ieyasu Tokugawa and William Adams’ lives and early Edo Japan successfully resisting colonization. The first series made homage to James Clavell’s inventions, mainly

I discovered this show 3 months ago and binged everything in 2 weeks, something that never happens to me. Really great, fun, intelligent and weird. I think season 1 was the best because it was the most ambiguous, after that I don’t think there is a lot of ambiguity regarding the reality or not of the supernatural

I thought it was dumb. Like, really dumb.