
if you want to make the case that a group of Arab-Americans would be, in general, welcoming to the trans community”

“Also, if he’s really going to try to swing Arab voters in Michigan”

“in fact Islam its entire thing is denying Jesus died on a cross, please stop gaslighting America”

My least favorite racism is the “We actually don’t know shit about what we are talking about but we are going to act like it’s true anyways”

in fact Islam its entire thing is denying Jesus died on a cross, please stop gaslighting America”

Greta Getwig’s Patsy Walker, Hellcat incoming!

The thousands of Palestinians being held hostage by Israel.

He may be referring to the thousands of Palestinian civilians, many of them children, that Israel routinely “detains” and has been doing for years. But I suppose that would go against the never ending victimhood of Israel and it’s supporters.

Wow, two nominations for the new Doctor Who episodes? Not saying I didn’t enjoy them, but they’re no competition for the other entrants.

/rolls eyes

That outrage was such bullshit. The Man in the High Castle had actual fucking Nazis taking over America, building extermination camps in Cincinnati and Boston and makes a reference to the “enslavement of the African continent”

Was The Man in the High Castle problematic too?

It was a good idea. I don’t understand fully the backlash against it. Simply the idea of an alternative history where the South won seemed to be the issue.

Creators of the show. No one -- including Emma -- is implying otherwise, and you are smart enough to know that. 

“Coincidentally, that’s when the quality started dropping.”

Just like MCU fans (or at least fan site writers) imagined Mephisto in everything.

I mean, the show is a huge success. He is the creator whom all the stars still want to work good idea?

Jalopnik still has it.

This is taken from an article that cherry-picked Moffat’s comments to make them sound a bit more controversial than they are.

Basically, I think he was responding to and attempting to dismiss claims that the show has become a “conspiracy of wokeness” in recent years because it dares to acknowledge that

For those who didnt see yet: