
“Why do I have to have a Marvel [movie] that’s all women?” Peltz asked the publication. “Not that I have anything against women, but why do I have to do that”

I think they did a masterful job building up that tension and horror. I had a pit in my stomach from pretty much the first scenes on Judgement Day in an earlier episode, knowing what’s coming.

I would argue that Final Wars was awful, whereas reducing GMK to “dumb all out monster brawler fun” does a disservice to a terrific movie.

The cause doesn’t allay the harm, but I think it’s relevant in how we react to people causing us harm. Someone accidentally misgendering someone can be forgiven, while deliberately doing so would call for a stronger response. Frankly, I’ve long since become accustomed to most people being stupid, but it’s harder for me

Then will someone please get me some working masks? I’ve been wearing masks since at least 2021 and the people around here are less woke than ever.

And they say liberals are snowflakes. JFC.

There were lots of stories in 2020 about masked people being berated and/or assaulted for wearing a mask in public

When these hardcore anti-maskers have to get surgery, do they insist that their doctors and nurses also not wear masks? Do they insist on the medics not scrubbing up first, for fear of coddling their immune systems? Because it seems like that’s a logical consequence of their stated beliefs.

2020: Wearing a mask is a choice! You can wear a mask if you like; but you can’t make me wear one.

2024: I cannot be forced to sit next to someone wearing a mask! You wearing a mask is an attack on me!

The ABC’s of conservatism:

He seems to be implying that if the person was wearing a mask, they must have a communicable disease and so he felt unsafe sitting next to them. He himself seems bound and determined to make himself as susceptible to communicable diseases as he possibly can and assumes it is everybody else’s responsibility to keep him

I am really, REALLY curious how someone else wearing a mask affects him.

Anyone that is that insistent that they aren’t drunk is absolutely drunk. In other news, what an utter child. 

I do want more ant-man/stature. Just go back to small scale (heh) focused on the family interacting with each other, being cute and wholesome, loads of scale hijinks, potentially in some kind of heist movie variation. And don’t forget about the non-powered supporting cast. Both of the first movies got it right.

This isn’t actually Marvel’s fault — they hadn’t even announced the covers yet when another website jumped on the chance and declared that Marvel was celebrating “pride allies” and everyone freaked out. The covers themselves, as you show, are pretty damn good and everyone pretty much calmed down after Marvel made the

several comics—X-Men #35, Amazing Spider-Man #52, Immortal Thor #12, and others—have “Pride Allies” variant covers. The titling would have you think that Marvel was celebrating Pride Month by focusing solely on allies—aka, “the straights”

In wrestling parlance, we call this “napkin booking”, and it’s almost endearing how much of it permeates the movies. A New Hope is wonderful in all the things that will be retconned et al on George’s whims.

If you’re doing the marathon, you’re doing the whole thing. That means if you’re late to the beginning or if you leave the theater, we reserve the right to offer your spot to someone else without a refund.

Why in god’s name does this movie cost 200 million dollars?

“They didn’t care enough to make it, why should I care enough to watch it?