
I haven’t, exactly for that reason - it’s “cut” a movie if you don’t actually edit your stuff. Also because while I have an academic interest in seeing his version of JL, 4 hours of everything I hated in BvS is a hard sell.

Finally, a take that reads more like reality and less like auteur fanfic. Filoni is VERY good at his job, but ascribing to him some sort of mortal anguish about penning his way out of a stinger scene from the end of Rebels is such nonsense. I imagine it took him all of maybe ten minutes to clear his head and figure

Dude, writing that movie involved doing a search and replace on the Point Break script to turn “surfboard” into “car.” Sit down.

They could definitely have used a scene where Ahsokha goes “I found out Elsbeth knows a way to find Thrawn, so i tracked her down and found out she believes he is exiled to this far away galaxy.  And I found out she believes there is a map to Galaxy X.  And I am going to beat her to it!”  right at the beginning.

It literally had a bright yellow line that apparently was pointing directly to the galaxy he supposedly is in the second Sabine and Elsbeth opened it.

That looks like a Katamari of every single piece of sci-fi and fantasy produced over the past 60 years. He’s not even being clever and trying to hide it...not that Snyder has ever been subtle, but that was beyond the pale blatant.

We never wanted it to be a [Star Wars film].” [...]“We learned so much working with superheroes. [Rebel Moon] is more science fantasy than sci-fi.”

At first, I thought the Drider was the Borg Queen from First Contact. 

Musk is a good money man and a decent engineer..

Hell’s teeth, I didn’t know any of that. That’s a genuine shame.

I’m sitting here trying to reconcile Elon saying that the block feature isn’t useful and is being deleted with him then blocking anyone who says he shouldn’t do that. I think I just had a stroke. 

I wonder if he was aware that his protagonist was mostly just being used by another character? That seems awfully meta. (Caviezel could not remember any of his lines, so in many scenes where he’s having a conversation, the other actors likely have cue cards with his dialogue taped to their chests, especially if

I have lived in America for 20 + years (having grown up in the UK and spent most of my life in Europe). Believe me when I say there are NO left-wingers in the United States. ZERO. There are a few slightly left of center progressives, but for the most part it’s fascists, extreme right wingers, right wingers, and right

I’m sure all the American right wingers that you talk with are a lot more hospitable to your shitty fucking views, and so maybe don’t seem violent to you, but if you direct your attention to the article posted literally right after this one, you might find that describing “American left wingers” as crazy and violent

Counterpoint: Thor: Ragnarok is a top-five MCU movie and has the most perfect use of humor in the franchise.

Friendly reminder to all that reflexively blaming the Democrats for literally not being perfect is something a GOP consultant came up with.

That show was amazing and the “what is their plan?” “where is earth?” mystery box crap was the least important part of the series.

As with many io9 articles that seemingly come out of nowhere with “let’s be positive about this thing”, $$$ likely involved.

*sigh* It does not matter how far it is, it is an adaptation. I am sure you would also scream about West Side Story not being Romeo and Juliet as well. 

It might also be the fact that it’s just not a very good show. Not having seen any of season 2, I can’t comment on the elements that are new. But in season 1 the good parts were Empire plotline and Lee Pace, the production design, and there were some hints of interesting stuff to come with the Demerzel subplot. The