
I’m lowkey kinda hoping that this ends up being Tarantino’s first big post-”retirement” non-movie project; a 4-6 episode streaming miniseries finale/sequel to Kill Bill with Uma Thurmon and Maya Hawke trying to escape a seemingly unstoppable Zendaya wielding multiple Hatori Hanzo swords in a neon pink vinyl murder-suit

Yeah, no one wants to see Boba Fett being a badass bounty hunter in the Western tradition.

We want him teaching Tusken Raiders how to ride speeder bikes, wearing his helmet and using his jet pack as little as possible and absolutely not disintegrating anyone ever.

Whew, bullet dodged!

It’s illegal for them to film in Florida because when the Rangers stand next to each other it looks vaguely like a rainbow.

Dennis essentially just upgraded the special effects and copied David Lynch’s version (practically) shot for shot.

I want to trust Gunn, but have little to go on. Superman as a character is totally out of sync with his oddball Troma sensibilities.

None of these are actually plot holes, NX1700

Introducing new characters and new obstacles in a new show is... you know, the concept behind storytelling. “We don’t even know her name,” because we just met her, and we get to figure out how she figures into the story and what means as the story progresses

Does it? There’s a couple minutes about how the Mind Stone is one of six things, but it’s not a LOT of time that it feels like a real diversion from the plot, especially since the Mind Stone is central to Ultron’s creation and Vision’s. But beyond that, there isn’t THAT much set-up for future things, unless you

Frankly, I think one-and-dones should be the way forward, at least for a while. Bring in top filmmakers who would usually be reluctant to work under the demands of a greater franchise, and just let them make totally standalone entries with no semblance of shared continuity, and each getting to cast their own Bond.

You’re surprised that the world’s secretest secret agent doesn’t talk about family members or loved ones that could be exploited and used against him? The guy who told Captain America not to trust anybody, and who was betrayed by, like, the one guy he considered a close friend (Alexander Pierce)? That’s a shock to you?

There’s a big difference between “franchise movies,” which have been around for nearly a century, and the current shared universe model, which didn’t emerge as a mature form until Avengers.

I absolutely agree with you. I didn’t feel the connective push in Quantum at all, as opposed to the low-key approach of the other Marvel movies.

Luckily, a lot of us commentators will look at the pending comments, and when they’re thoughtful and in good-faith like yours? That comment’ll likely get ungreyed.

Yttrium has taken the true facts that fictional characters are purely arbitrary constructs and thus very flexible, and ran with it to the point of absurdity. As far as he’s concerned, an author can write any character as anything — as long as a writer decide that this mundane travel agent that spend the entire movie


After Geralt gets his shit thoroughly rocked at the end of Time of Contempt, which this season is adapting, he ends up recovering with the Dryads for a good long while, and emerges into the rest of the story a (somewhat) changed man. I assume the team’s just decided to literalize that

Anecdotal, but I’ve heard several stories from folks who brought their “normie” friends along and they were going, “Wait, so he’s Batman now, I thought it was Affleck. And what’s a General Zod, and why is he important? And... was that Nic Cage?” the whole time.

Actually the war had just ended with a peace treaty(that Ronan was ignoring), which sounded pretty unlike the Kree, who are usually hardline never-surrender zealot types. Could easily have been her influence making that happen.

I think you replied from the wrong account, Mr. Obviously The Same Person I Replied To. The fact that you think having a woman in a movie who is maybe important as something other than a love interest is “MESSAGE pandering” says everything about your level of discernment that I need to hear.

The problem with the Snyderverse:

If that was a good example, someone would have actually been cancelled, kiddo. Suspended pending an investigation and then reinstated.  And this was the one example you came up with.