
Yep, that Robert Downey Jr guy isn’t a movie star.  

That works if you’ve already decuded you’re seeing the movie. But I’m still on the fence, so I’d like a trailer that gives me some info. If I have not watched the first one since it came out, it means I’m not that interested in just seeing the first one again. The visuals themselves do nothing for me - I was blown

My problem is this is the third trailer for the movie I’ve seen, and I still have no idea what the basic story/premise for the movie is. Hell, I’m not even sure there are humans in this movie. Is it 100% Navii this time?

You’ll notice I didn’t say that about the previous trailers for the movie. Because I never had that impression until this trailer. But this trailer, I’m sorry, but it felt weirdly overly familiar. We’re what, 3 trailers in, and I still have no idea what the story of this sequel, or even just the inciting incident, is.

While the twist was unfortunately leaked in advance, for many people who had only seen the first Terminator, the twist early on in T2 was quite a surprise.

again, i’m not going to sit through 8 hours of beautiful television with only mid-level storytelling just because i’m being told that everything will pay off in season 5. you can absolutely create fantastic television and gorgeous stories within a short series while also setting up for future seasons, and considering

Superman is absolutely a good guy. We can talk about the American imperialism added the character soon after his introduction (but not actually from the get go), bit he is clearly always presented as a good guy. Hence why so many alternate tales exist where he isn’t - because the default Superman is a good guy. If he

Or ya know, just putting it together into a making-of. As someone who does both Video and UX, it’s the exact same amount of work to make a feature BTS doc than to overlay BTS snippets into their correct scenes. And DVD or Blu-Ray does a “Play All” function.
Now if your attention span is such that you love this...good

It wasn’t even valued at $44 billion when he offered that much. He overvalued it so much the shareholders were legally obligated to hold him to it. What a fucking idiot.

It feels gross to defend anything Whedon at this point, but if you take Whedon and all of his shitty baggage out of the conversation, I still think it’s absurd how much blame for JLs final state was laid directly at his feet, as though his version was somehow a completely separate film. No one was going to come into a

When he throws out words like “demonetized” I legitimately wonder if he's mixing twitter up with youtube, or if he thinks twitter operates on the same business model as youtube.

“In the past a “negative tweet” was anything posted by someone with a conservative view.”

That’s what he wanted people to think.

New cable channels– ITV, Channel 4–are popping up with more money

Oh, I have none. It’s just extremely obvious.

Look, I’m forward-thinking - I accept that people like her didn’t choose to celebrate christmas, and that they were just born that way. What I don’t understand is why they just have to be so flamboyant about it. Like, can’t you do your christmas stuff behind closed doors, and not throw it in all of our faces? I’m

I kinda had the same thought.  Every individual section is great, but they add up to less than the sum of their parts.  The show is never not good and entertaining, but this felt all too much like a table setting episode.

Elon can’t do fuck all but slap his name on the success of actual engineers, but he sure does love the sheep like you that don’t know better and attribute all of that success to their false idol. 

Obscuring a plate does not put anyone at risk, and I don’t think that is the argument being made. The quote itself mentions obscuring your plate so that you can take part in other illegal activity with impunity, including speeding and running red lights, which does generally put others at risk