
They keep trying to make Narnia a thing, and honestly seem incapable of recognizing two really big limiting factors:

I’m deeply, deeply disappointed in RTD for this decision. Essentially, he decided it was more important to pander to bigots than to trust in the intelligence of Doctor Who fans. He *trusted his audience* when he revived Doctor Who in 2005, but here, as he retakes the reigns, he can’t be bothered to give us the same

RTD has the best of intentions but this is dumb for a couple of reasons. First because 13's clothes were completely gender-neutral, second because bigots don’t NEED ammo. They already hate the show for being “woke” and will invent whatever excuses they need to justify that hate.

This sounds like complete BS from Davies. I haven’t seen the episode yet, but assuming Whittaker was wearing her standard outfit, I would have been willing to wager my literal life that there would be no negative reaction from “bigots” to Tenant appearing in her costume.

Nothing about 13s clothes even look like female clothes. The Master even used her clothes, and it didn’t look like anything a woman would wear. It was a very androgynous costume. No one’s said anything about the Master in the same outfit, so far.

RTD is a pandering coward. 

You hit the nail on the head. I’m a lefty but I enjoy watching Yellowstone; it’s soapy and kinda dumb but entertaining enough. Helps that it’s set in my home state. It does spotlight regional issues, like the violence perpetrated against indigenous populations (especially native women) and how moneyed interests are

Yeah it’s silly to view it this way, of course the show has right wing fans. Any show with certain type of protagonist will attract them. Wolf of Wall Street, Fight Club, etc. it doesn’t make them right wing films.

Hey, remember that movie where a cop who sexually assaults a woman during a traffic stop isn’t all THAT bad because he doesn’t also let her burn to death after a car accident?

Incorrect. Growth is endless. It’s the fundamental underpinning of Capitalism!

This. Show.

Andor has easily become my favorite show of the moment and the best since The Watchmen a few years back. This is storytelling, this is acting, this is how to make Star Wars! I’ll be sad in a few weeks when the Season ends, but happy that I will get to binge it all over again

This show is so damned good.

That’s what I was thinking, based solely on the fact that the Corridor Crew show “Visual Effects Artists React” were going nuts for RRR. One of the guys (and they’re all film nerds) said it was the only film he’d seen 2x in a theater in more than a year.

When whatever shot it is goes like a virus to the stunt

You make a good point, but it’s diluted somewhat by the fact that many of those North Africans were people that, at least by modern standards, could be categorized as “white” (particularly at a glance in a video game trailer)... particularly as the relatively low numbers were diffused in to the “white” populations

This. Lived experience is something of a double-edged sword in some instances.

I think the mistake is often insisting that it directly connect to the original work. You don’t need an alternate timeline, just make sure the drama and stakes are isolated to the narrative.

Aren’t your knees getting sore?

My son told me this weekend: “If one guy can be CEO of 3+ companies, then CEOs don’t do a whole lot.”

She was the moral center of the story. She made that movie.