
Philosophically I see where you’re coming from, but also, I look at this as a high court offering a secular option where historically 2 people have only had this religion-tinged, heteronormative thing if they wanted to share their lives together and enjoy governmental benefits. I don’t begrudge straight people the

I guess that news leaked.

Beleive me when I say that Colin Trevorrow thinks he wrote a much more intelligent movie than he actually did. Just watch Book of Henry, which had a similar issue. JA Bayona’s biggest contribution is making the whole thing campier than it was meant to be.

I really want to believe that he started learning how to say some truly awful shit in Farsi and Arabic once the groups were drawn just in case the players he was talking to didn’t understand English well enough. That would be such a Diego Costa thing to do. 

Your contribution is inspiring.

The deaths aren’t meaningless. As with any story ever, it’s not about what happens, it’s about how it happens. Peter’s death affects Tony, Bucky’s death affects Cap, and they will respond and make decisions based on that. Whether or not we can predict the outcome of a story is not the only measure of its quality.

Disagree about Avengers 3. It had a happy ending for the film’s protagonist, who happened to be Thanos.

“It came from the book,” Trevorrow said. “That character isn’t in the book...”

We all know that most of these deaths are getting undone. Years of fake deaths in comic books have conditioned me for this. So it’s a pretty obvious cheat in that the time gem will be somehow used to un-snap everyone. (Except Loki, probably, and there will be some Soul Gem tomfoolery used to bring back Gamora)

7. Air your surprisingly entertaining show on a popular television network.

Why does io9 keep talking like the audience for Marvel movies is made up of six year old with autism. Marvel’s marketing team isn’t that stupid. At this point, they have just started creating fake scenes that aren’t in the movie for the trailers anyway.

It was just a mistake by the reviewer to call her Grace. The mistake is pointed out in the review of the second to last episode that featured MiB. The name’s always been Emily.

You can’t do a penalty shoot out, because it’s possible the two teams that end up with the exact same points, goal scored and goal difference are not playing each other in the last match of the group. Also, the situation can involve 3 or even 4 teams!

Oh god, suddenly you’re a Brit now? So am I, technically. Why do you never shut the fuck up about American politics here then? Why do you write acres and acres of paragraphs that bore the fuck out of all of us with your virtue signaling? Why do you care? Where do you live, shit-stirrer? Weren’t you Canadian not

Go be outraged about things that actually matter. Tegan made it clear after the fact that she didn’t care, and like the instance mentioned in the article it was a tasteless joke by someone whose entire career has been built on tasteless jokes mixed with pointed social commentary and calls for positive change. You

How did they find the nerve to put out a show reel? The VFX in Justice League were hot garbage. Just a mishmash of badly rendered cgi goo.

I haven’t been into this band in many years, but still, I just don’t get this. Multiple shows canceled over one tasteless joke? Seems like massive overkill. What do venues think they’re going to get when they book a punk band, anyway? If the Sex Pistols were still touring, these folks would probably feel obligated to

You forgot to include the obviously better alternative for a seventh(!) tiebreaker that makes this option so extremely stupid.

I think they’re joking, bud.

This is how I feel about Rise of the Planet of the Apes preceding Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. Unless I’m working overnights, I don’t plan on rising before dawn, thank you very much.