
But that wasn’t the theme of the movie, just a throwaway line.

Sure... but why not create a more distinct and interesting villainous force instead of Empire 2.0. And destroying the New Republic without any thought? Crazy!

I really feel letdown by the whole premise of the sequel films. The First Order and the Resistance feel like cheap knock-offs of the original Empire and Rebel Alliance. The sequels had the opportunity to go in a new creative direction but instead Abrams just hit a big reset button and destroyed everything achieved in

“When it spews out carcinogens and destroys the planet I live on, It’s absolutely my business.”

“What car or truck I choose to drive is absolutely none of your business.”

urgh, really? They reset Galactus already? And pulled Silver Surfer right along with him? This is so so SO boring.

One of the worst things about this (to me) is that Galactus went goody-goody back in 2015.

Once he allowed someone else to download the copy, he no longer had a right to dictate how that copy was cared for. Worried about if they will release this stuff in the future? Not relevant as they were not releasing them at all in the first place.

To be fair to Hirsch, he did this back in 2015, when we didn’t know it was wrong to choke a woman out at a party and never apologize for it. Is it fair to judge historical figures by present-day standards?

You can blame it on True Fans, but oftentimes the fault lies with the creators who want to play with the toys of their childhood so they reset the status quo to as close to that time as they can. That’s why you get Wally West wiped from the world so that Barry Allen can be reset as Flash, or Hal Jordan being

This really brings me down. The arc he’s been on since Ultimates was utterly bonkers and I loved it. His sit down in the apartment of the Molecule Man was a great fill in issue. This really brings me down.

Ugh. Every good idea Marvel has just ends up being undone. Fucking status quo worshippers...

Didn’t know Jane Goldman was involved, even more interested now.

I feel great sympathy for the families, but those “what if...” questions will do nothing but make you crazy. What if my loved one had a cold that night and stayed home? What if he had been standing somewhere else? What if the security guard had shot the assailant? You can’t rewind time and change the events. No

I think you overestimate Peter’s family and friends.

There’s not much I judge parents on, but failing to vaccinate is absolutely one of them.

Also, I love how she says “so your negative comments are not going to influence my choices - actual research and educating myself will”

Right??? The only reason these morons get to rest on their anti-vacc laurels is because of the generations before them who DID vaccinate, thus ensuring herd immunity..

And, if you don’t know what it’s like to have the entire world openly criticize, judge, throw uninformed opinions,

aren’t all of his shows starting to go downhill?