
I’m so happy to see Jennifer Garner back in an action role. Alias is totally underrated. Hell, Jennifer Garner is totally underrated. Hopefully now that Affleck is a thing of the past, we are in for the Garneraissance.

How about they just keep the whole cast but have them play different characters each season from various points in British history? Worked for Blackadder.

Like...I’ve long believed that pedophilia needs to be better treated, and that non-practicing (as in those who have never, ever, acted on their urges) pedophiles should be able to pursue treatment more readily.

“You’re just trying to protect your family.” From what? 

Soooo, according to his version/logic, he tried to help the family multiple times for free but they would only let him help after he’d demanded money? Sure, Jan.

No, she firmly believes that homosexuals should also be married to people of the opposite gender.

Well, all people except for homosexuals, no doubt. Although perhaps they skate around that by claiming that they’re not actually people.

without resorting to gendered slurs

Who the fuck suggested that they’d be compelled? Seriously, what post were you reading?


The hotline would just be all Marvel esoterica.

I know. Intolerance of intolerance is the worst kind of intolerance, isn’t it.

Are people actually bored of Maeve’s story? She is by far the most interesting to me. She seems more “awake” than Delores. Before Delores saw her papa get stolen I couldn’t even follow what she was trying to do. Still not sure about her goals, even though she is always talking about them, she’s just so abstract.

I feel like season 1 doesn’t count for Parks (like Buffy). It fixed itself and became the real show season 2.

Given Trump’s lack of character and ethics I’m pretty sure Ron would despise him. 

I’m an active duty Soldier (so people can feel free not to @ me). I say eliminate the damn thing. It doesn’t make any sense to play it anyway, and it always just makes me wonder if the Packers and Steelers forget what country they are in and have to be reminded at the start of every game.

They’re all stupid suggestions. The only sensible solution is to stop playing the fucking national anthem.

The restaurant says they were closed, but the women say the restaurant was open because people were still dining. Anyone who’s worked service knows a closed restaurant often has people in it well beyond the official closing time, and while the public may still be inside, no one new gets to come in.

Agree about Flash and Supergirl re: the secret identity material - but I still feel Arrow is the gold standard of how to do it right.

People don’t have to clamor for something to end up watching it en masse. The quality/buzz will say whether it’s a sound investment or not. No one was clamoring for GOT, and that was a property that had a fanbase 10+ years old! LOTR has brand obsessives that have racked up 6 times longer than that! Keep in mind the