
Pretty sure that’s a Gosling and not a Reynolds...

Here’s my question:

1602 is populated by humans who live in fear of the “witchbreed,” a catchall term for anyone with metahuman abilities.

It’s not really a fair comparison. Babylon 5 had a very low budget, roughly half what the comparitive star trek episodes (DS9, Voyager) were costing at the time. Also, the 4 years between the last episode of Babylon 5 and the first episode of Firefly were ENORMOUS in terms of CG advancement/reduced costs/scaling.

I’m still mad about Patty Spivot. 

Ewing’s Loki: Agent of Asgard series was one of the best runs I’ve read the last few years. It was fantastic and amazing and perfectly picked up on the kid Loki work Gillen did.

I was super sad when it ended.

Oh, man, Patty Spivot was great.

Al Ewing should’ve gotten the new Fantastic Four over Slott, his readily apparent deep love of Marvel arcana would be perfect for the FF.

As a Rule, the Marvel teasers posters are usually as awesome as the official posters are dull and mundane (love that they double downed on the Ant Man joke for the sequel.

As amazing as the sci fi elements are in that run, the thing that really makes it arguably my favorite comic run of all time is the beautiful usage of the family themes.

Hickman’s Fantastic Four is the best FF run in history. Hands down.

Oh, his FF is even better than his Avengers.

As was his run on Fantastic Four. But I am what seems like only one of about a dozen people that still read that title when it was around...

“With Silver and Black, when you’re doing a film of that magnitude, it’s gotta be right.”

Joking about this is in bad taste, so I won’t do it. But since you were wondering, hypothetically, “Haven’t these poor kids been through enough already?” would be a pretty sharp response. Hypothetically.

I’m so happy to see Jennifer Garner back in an action role. Alias is totally underrated. Hell, Jennifer Garner is totally underrated. Hopefully now that Affleck is a thing of the past, we are in for the Garneraissance.

How about they just keep the whole cast but have them play different characters each season from various points in British history? Worked for Blackadder.

Like...I’ve long believed that pedophilia needs to be better treated, and that non-practicing (as in those who have never, ever, acted on their urges) pedophiles should be able to pursue treatment more readily.

“You’re just trying to protect your family.” From what? 

Soooo, according to his version/logic, he tried to help the family multiple times for free but they would only let him help after he’d demanded money? Sure, Jan.