
No, she firmly believes that homosexuals should also be married to people of the opposite gender.

Well, all people except for homosexuals, no doubt. Although perhaps they skate around that by claiming that they’re not actually people.

without resorting to gendered slurs

People who think Quill’s breakdown was nonsense somehow missed his entire character over the two Guardians movies and first half of Infinity War. The dude has always been portrayed as an goofy, emotionally unstable manchild (and for good reason, given his upbringing and all the trauma in his life). His freakout was

Who the fuck suggested that they’d be compelled? Seriously, what post were you reading?


Person of Interest isn’t for people who fear technology, it is for people who have a very rational fear of other people. The Machine is a benevolent god, it’s humans that turn everything to shit when they have the opportunity.

I guess the law can move really fast when it’s for something important like a movie trailer.

I do hope some day Shahi gets a new show worthy of her talents. She was great in Life and Person of Interest.

I copied that exact line to come down here and say this exact thing. Looking at the designs I was like “That’s just the MF with an x-y-b-wing attachment; that one is just the MF if it were the baby of a YT and a Star Destroyer... etc.” Then I kept reading and the author pointed it out like it was a good thing... like

“How incredibly awesome are those?”

If they did that then everyone even me would be confused of what happened, showing is better than not showing.

The hotline would just be all Marvel esoterica.

I know. Intolerance of intolerance is the worst kind of intolerance, isn’t it.

Year and a half from the next. Ep9 is Dec 2019.

DannyK is getting some “if you only watch the movies, then it’s your own fault” type responses - and I say BS to that.

Nu-EU as canon is not the problem. Blaming the audience for not being “in the know” is not only wrong, it’s bad business. The fans like me that read the comics and watch the cartoons (and play the games and tabletop rpg...) are far fewer in number than the general viewing audience that Disney needs in order to keep

Are people actually bored of Maeve’s story? She is by far the most interesting to me. She seems more “awake” than Delores. Before Delores saw her papa get stolen I couldn’t even follow what she was trying to do. Still not sure about her goals, even though she is always talking about them, she’s just so abstract.

...grappling with a generational trauma that causes oppressed communities to recreate the behavior of their oppressors

I feel like season 1 doesn’t count for Parks (like Buffy). It fixed itself and became the real show season 2.