
I guess since she left in the 90s they actually modified a 90s beeper to keep in touch.

That’s good. Any other predictions? I think Clint might show up in the stinger saying something like “We’ve gotta go”.

“Daddy, I don’t feel so good...”

Or...or...and I’m just reaching takes place before IW, so why would you!?!

Anyone else under the impression that Ant-Man & the Wasp takes place prior to Infinity War?

I’m an active duty Soldier (so people can feel free not to @ me). I say eliminate the damn thing. It doesn’t make any sense to play it anyway, and it always just makes me wonder if the Packers and Steelers forget what country they are in and have to be reminded at the start of every game.

I skipped this season of Flash entirely, and when I got too far behind on Arrow I gave it up. Too many other good shows to bother with these anymore.

They’re all stupid suggestions. The only sensible solution is to stop playing the fucking national anthem.

It never fails to amaze me that so many people who claim Snyder’s movie was faithful don’t get it.

Except Okoye is not LGTBQ in the comics. Aneka and Ayo are. People just somehow decided that Okoye and Aneka were interchangeable.

I really, really wish that people get over this. There are two canonically gay characters in the latest BP run. She isn’t one of them. Surprise everyone! You can have short hair, be badass, hit people with spears and not be gay!

The restaurant says they were closed, but the women say the restaurant was open because people were still dining. Anyone who’s worked service knows a closed restaurant often has people in it well beyond the official closing time, and while the public may still be inside, no one new gets to come in.

i screwed up, i only half read the Deadpool 3 original post in the article so i didn’t realize they revealed she was dead so totally my fault, if the article is spoiling it then of course their is no reason for a commenter to write a spoiler warning in his/her post.

Why would they take the good and sensible positioning of the sticks on a PS4 controller and ruin them by putting them in the bad and uncomfortable position of the X Box controller?

Agree about Flash and Supergirl re: the secret identity material - but I still feel Arrow is the gold standard of how to do it right.

People don’t have to clamor for something to end up watching it en masse. The quality/buzz will say whether it’s a sound investment or not. No one was clamoring for GOT, and that was a property that had a fanbase 10+ years old! LOTR has brand obsessives that have racked up 6 times longer than that! Keep in mind the

I watched Serkis explain it on morning tv today, they blended the actor and their animal counterpart until they got the required look they were going for. I’m guessing the derp aesthetic is still in.

You can tell that they tried to make the animals’ face look like their voice actor counterparts. But other than Bagheera, the finished product looks like butt.

Time, and money