
Plus “well he did already do this recently with Army of the Dead, but that overrides my thesis, so let’s pretend it was some kind of sequel to his Dawn of the Dead remake”.

I thought it was simply John Wick, but our lead actor isn’t as physically capable so we can’t drag out every single action sequence two or three times longer than it needs to be. A vast improvement, in other words.

A lucky sucker punch knocking out a dying 70 year old man is a “big plot hole now? And it’s because he’s previously been punched without being knocked out?

It was a weird decision to rely quite so much on nostalgia for the original whilst seemingly being unaware that the original was a comedy.

WB is 100% going to make those books into movies though.

The opposite. He’s only ever expressed interest in Messiah.

Similarly, why on Earth would you make the Flash a villain, and then show off his boss fight in a trailer with nothing but him as a stationary bullet sponge? I mean, I assume/hope that in the full game you have to trigger something that freezes him temporarily and gives you a chance to get some damage in, but if the

Agreed in principle, but...

And despite fan skepticism, anecdotal accounts from a recent alpha play test have been surprisingly positive.

Seems strange to hope to be forever associated with ragebait.

I think it’s much more sexist than that. There’s no alternate universe where Paul Walker lived and continued to star in these movies, and Germain is prompted to write an article bemoaning Mia staying home to look after the kids instead of joining up with the rest of the gang on their latest extravaganza of danger.

why is this the only way that The Boys ever advertises itself?

Netflix has released several new images from it’s live-action Gyeongseong Creature two-part miniseries premiering December 22.

And really? The dude who made The Maze Runner is the guy to do it?

Along those lines, I do wonder why they didn’t bring back Jude Law’s Yon-Rogg instead of introducing Dar-Benn. It would’ve brought more resonance to the narrative, and makes more sense in terms of name recognition and wide appeal. And it’s not like Dar-Benn is a classic villain, begging to be used — she has all of two

Agreed. As much as being able to mod games appeals to me, just working out which graphics card to get has always been off-putting, let alone all the other components, and pre-built gaming PCs are priced extortionately. Whereas if I pick up a PlayStation or an Xbox, I know exactly where I’m at.

You only need to compare Bayhem with The Bourne Supremacy, which features some masterful action despite all superficial similarities of the quick cuts and weird angles and moving cameras, because it’s edited together coherently and knows when it needs to pull back and give you a moment to orient yourself with the

Among (many) other things, it doesn’t help that Michael Bay is generally terrible at choreographing action. All too often, it deteriorates into a mess of fast cuts between stuff flying past the camera at speed, stuff smashing into other stuff, and stuff exploding, with only the barest sense of what’s actually

I really didn’t appreciate that. I liked Skull Island a lot. The two solo Godzillas were fine. Godzilla vs Kong was so fucking dumb though — the action was good, but not so good to make up for how painful it was to sit through everything else. On a scale of Pacific Rim: Uprising to Pacific Rim, it was definitely on

He’s an executive producer on the show. That’s a credit that can mean everything or nothing, but they’ve made a big fuss about it being canonical to the games, so I would presume he has at least some degree of oversight.