
Not all the vehicles or crashes were real, and those that were, were often enhanced.

Meh, the problem with all these adaptations is you know what’s going to happen to everybody. Meh, the problem with all these histories is you know what’s going to happen to everybody. Meh, the problem with all these superhero films is you know what’s going to happen to everybody.

There was absolutely tons of CGI in Fury Road too. I’d be surprised if the balance in the final film is much different. It may be that the footage in the trailer is unfinished and will be receiving further polish before release (which is not unusual, and the film is still 6 months away after all).

Not true. People here were capable of perfectly capable of dismissing movies from great filmmakers based on little more than a trailer even in the good old days when Charlie Jane and Annalee were still around.

I mean, it’s a not a good trailer. I still expect the film to be great, but that was not a good trailer at all.

And then the theatres take their cut, so you need to make double that total just to break even. That Marvel can’t seem to turn out a movie with a production budget under $200m is probably their biggest problem right now. I really enjoyed The Marvels, but there’s nothing in it that warranted $275m (even after tax

You sure that wasn’t just for the Children in Need sketch? The claw didn’t last very long, but it was a new look.

Yeah, I was struggling to find overnight figures, which is why I couched it all in “I believe” and “I think”. I was guesstimating based on the last few seasons of Doctor Who (going back into the Capaldi era) usually only gaining 1-1.5m per episode in the 7 day figures, and The Star Beast” would need to double those

I don’t know what you’re talking about, but you’re wrong.”

There was a similar scene in The Last of Us Part II which was deemed worthy of much criticism because even showing a trans person being deadnamed made itbad representation”. I didn’t agree with that criticism (although I’m not trans either, so my opinion is also of limited value), but it’s still odd that it

Are they pretending it’s a brand new show or something? Because I believe Happy Valley, Call the Midwife, and Death in Paradise all pulled in bigger numbers for the start of their 2023 seasons (and that’s just looking at the first few weeks of January). Even if they do consider it a new show for some reason, I think Be

Martin actually took over during season 1, so he’s even more important to Loki’s success. Although precisely how important depends to some degree on how much of the roadmap was in place before Waldron left.

It’s perhaps worth pointing out that movie scripts are not written in a vaccuum. Many of the things you’re complaining about will have been written that way at Raimi’s direct instruction. And many of the things you’re crediting to Raimi’s imagination will have originated with Waldron.

Pretty sure that’s not the case, unless it’s a recent change. Contestants may get expenses (travel, food, accommodation, as required), but I don’t think many UK game shows offer an appearance fee.

I’m not saying they shouldn’t be necessarily. I’m questioning the idea that not doing so is in any way out of the ordinary, because this isn’t an article about the exploitative nature of gameshows generally, it’s an article about how one specific gameshow is supposed to be particularly terrible.

Add onto that that some were allegedly unpaid for their efforts

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I have a sneaking suspicion that Mr. Pebbles’ reference went over your head. It’s a bit by the excellent James Acaster:

Perhaps, but given the circumstances, I would think he’d give it more thought than just tossing off a puffy quote.

I used to have little mini debates with him and say, ‘Ray, you’re the villain here.’ And he’d be like, ‘I don’t think so.’ I was like, ‘I know you don’t think so, but you are. I love that you’re playing it like you’re not.’ Which is exactly the way Baylan thinks.

It’s pretty weird for you to insist it doesn’t need to be a cinematic universe, and then describe your ideal version, which is the definition of a cinematic universe.