
No, they definitely cut stuff from the double bill version. The standalone versions are each ~15 minutes longer, which includes restoring the lap dance sequence in Death Proof, which I believe is what you’re actually thinking of.

I mean, they’ve been doing literally impossible stuff on the regular for a fair few movies now. Jumping between skyscrapers, driving on a collapsing rope bridge (then swinging across on the single rope left behind), going into space. It’s all well and good that they crash a bunch of cars into each other for real, but

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I don’t rate Baby Driver or The Matrix Reloaded’s chases. There are some cool ideas in each of them, but I found both of them to be oddly uninvolving and lacking in visceral thrills.

Unless the first movie was conceived from the start as that first act of a three-part story, it would be pretty hard to rework it to add in a whole other act.

Didn’t Grindhouse as a double bill do a weird thing where they cut a big chunk out of each film as if a reel had gone missing? Possibly that worked better (or at least was less damaging) for Planet Terror than it did for Death Proof.

I realise the site’s remit goes beyond sci-fi to include fantasy and horror, but you can’t call the list “Sci-Fi Movies, Ranked” and then include stuff that simply isn’t sci-fi.

I’ve not read the books. It’s still not a great show. It’s not completely without merit, but the boring and bad stuff far outweighs the good.

Seems a risk, if so. How do you animate characters to line up with a potential live-action show that hasn’t yet been greenlit, let alone moved to casting and character designs?

As far as I could tell, the story it wanted to tell was Bo-Katan reuniting and restoring Mandalore, so I found it odd that it seemed so compromised by reducing her to a supporting character in that story.

Hmm... I’ll watch it, because Babylon 5 is brilliant and Straczynski has very few misses to his name, but I don’t really see the appeal of a one-off 90 minute tour of B5s multiverse. Presumably there’s more to it though, and he’s already mentioned that if it’s successful it might lead to more animated stories —

Isn’t The Mandalorian’s problem arguably the opposite? It stuck to a status quo that had reached its natural conclusion at the end of season 2, presumably because it thought that was what the audience wanted. Only, as it turned out, the audience were broadly open to it expanding its horizons a little without

He doesn’t meet Mon Mothma in the whole of season 1, but she still featured heavily. Which is not to say that Jyn should appear, just that “Cassian hasn’t met her yet” doesn’t preclude her featuring in a supporting role.

I don’t think you have that quite right.

He’s going to stare at himself in a mirror and... the mirror spits in his face.

His problem is that he can’t help treating everyone else like shit too, which is what makes him the asshole.

100%. I kinda assume the actor’s a nice guy and they wanted to keep him around, but being expected to care what Joel is up to (or to accept that he’s earned any redemption) has been a painful experience. Midge is an asshole too, but at least she can be a witty and interesting asshole. Joel just sucks the life out of

only reason it appeared in theatres at all was to appease the people who were mad about it

To clarify, what Lineker said was that the language (i.e. words like “invasion”) being used by the government to refer to immigrants and asylum seekers is the sort of thing that you might have heard in Germany in the 30s.

If they were going to do the redemption arc for him, it would make more sense if it was through him struggling to get his tactics across at West Ham and gradually coming to the realisation that it’s because he lacks Ted’s people skills.

If I understand this right, the Rhinoceros Beetle Charm allows you to resell first aid sprays for double their normal resale value. And their normal resale value is much more than half their purchase cost.