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Yep, I was one of apparently five people who really liked The Last Jedi and thought it brought some fresh and interesting ideas to the Star Wars mythos. In fact, after The Last Jedi I was actually excited to see what sort of follow-through those ideas would get in The Force Awakens....And we all remember how that

Jeff’s crash was so hilarious I literally lol’d. Like come on really?!! Dude you’re a cab driver and those cops are obviously not interested in you. I get it, you’re not a master criminal and you are freaking out about if the cops have been called on you bc of Gene’s burglary (maybe you two should be texting one

Subconscious self-sabotage, possibly. The kind of behaviour Saul Goodman would have berated a client over.

I thought Jeff just panicked. But, yeah, Gene was much sloppier on this job, between the B&E, the actual theft, and just hanging out having a whiskey at the guy’s house. To the point where I started to consider that he was planning to get caught for some reason.

Much like Idiocracy, it’s satire...until it’s not.

I didn’t pick a side, I mocked your stupid comment that Amber had anything to do with these documents being released, dumbass. Try to keep up, stop trying to give Johnny a blowjob and use your brain. Or don’t, it’s far funnier to laugh at your stupidity.

God damn liberal snowflakes. You try to overthrow the government ONE TIME and radical liberals like Liz Cheney want to throw you in prison.

“Accidentally” sent...

You seem real mad and jelly that they didn’t hire you to direct anything. Venting on the comments section of a pop culture blog won’t help ya there.

To anyone who felt let down by his actions, “I would say to those people, I know it was confusing, I know it was shocking,” he says. “But I promise you, I am deeply devoted and committed to putting light and love and joy into the world. And you know, if you hang on, I promise we’ll be able to be friends again.”

“It only makes sense when ugly people get cheated on”

If he dies of COVID, this is going to be an exceptionally dumb obituary.

“Instead of staying the fuck home and writing, this elderly obese man decided to go among tens of thousands of people from around the world — most of whom were predictably not wearing masks — and caught a disease that he was among the most

This is a terrible deal. The Russians are getting an international arms dealer who has aided conflicts in Bosnia, Angola, Sierra Leone, DRC, Liberia, Afghanistan, Kenya, and Hezbollah, responsible for thousands’ deaths and suffering for a basketball player who admitted to bringing in vape substances that are illegal

Jim will always be a Jerry, even as a mall cop, he jerryed up security for sure. 

The head of mall security isn’t as depressed as Gene because he gets to go home to Christie Brinkley.

It’s a show that has flying dragons that breathe fire. But, sure, I guess you need to stay true to “that time.”

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It’s a standard industrial programmable manipulator arm, they lowered down the strength so it wouldn’t crush the pieces when picking them up.

I — cannot — wait!

Where the TV show could make it more shocking it did.

Two grown ups on their second marriages, and second go-rounds making their “honeymoon” an opportunity to have a family vacation with their newly blended families is not even a little bit weird.