Dead Account

It’s not the revolution of art, more than just the “automated collage of often stolen art made by actual humans”

Except everything you have just listed is the exact same issue as the majority of human artists. Do those who are “inspired” by the masters or others pay them for the inspiration when they then copy aspects of those works? No. Do those who essentially write reports mostly just rewording another person’s report

You joke but just you wait for the inevitable outburst online when it gets good enough to sink the “I’ll draw your favourite fictional characters having sex” cottage industry.

Nah this is just the next iteration of luddites, people seeing that technology is making them redundant and as a result screaming cold-blooded murder. It’s not a process, it’s a craft. And you can’t replace that... except of course you can hence why already there are many digital art programs that automate more

It’s a film I’d stick on if I just wanted something to pass the time and it came up on streaming, but that’s it. I’m not opposed to watching it again, but neither am I seeking it out.

It’s interesting in his head (and his fans for that matter) he’s decided people hated the first film with a passion, that it was supposedly terrible and one of the worst films ever made, when the reality is the criticism was always “pretty looking but generic, not memorable”.

So basically some kid desperate for attention with no actual care for any political cause and therefore best to probably not cover from here on?

I like how to you keeping a notorious death merchant out of play for at least another six years is so blasé.

Except Bout didn’t thrive in the shadows, he was a known entity for years before his arrest.

What’s so hard to understand that letting out a known war criminal for some basketball player is a bad deal?

Kept getting “updates” sent to my phone about this all morning from major UK media outlets and reading some of them all I could see was... it’s just the Oprah interview rehashed but far more stretched out. The well-documented unconscionable racism and disgusting treatment by many parts of the tabloid press mixed in

Funny how someone who claims to care about the “affordability” of housing considers it “whining” to point out there’s actually more than enough houses lying empty as it is, they’re just made unaffordable by the companies you are shilling for.

My computer will be watching it via Steam but I won’t be.

Bout literally worked for leaders of government to supply them arms. That’s why he was so infamous, because he didn’t supply jumped up little militias but was the guy who could supply nation states.

The source, WestPac, is an Australian banking giant that does mortgages. They’re not the NZ government.

That’s fine. I responded strongly because I completely agree with the problems you’ve listed, my response is that it’s why government intervention is desperately needed. Whether it be airbnb in the rental market or private equity in the ownership one both actively inflate the prices to try and make a buck.

No, it’s clear you have no idea what you’re talking about.

No, the actual government stats show housing supply has outstripped numbers of households for decades by approximately 100,000 units going back years.


So Putin gets a guy who has contacts for illicit arms trading across the globe during a time of domestic production shortages, knows how to get all manner of arms and items to places despite sanctions and armed opposition, and has no scruples about who he does business with or the people who get killed as a result.