Dead Account

Who cares though? It’s not like this was a respected franchise to begin with.

“I was drawn to her as she has the exact same facial expression as the audience at SNL whenever they see me perform.”

Can’t help but think the real aim wasn’t people actively using the site but hoping an opt-out system would mean those years of abandoned and inactive accounts with works on the site could be harvested with little effort.

Shame died years ago now when people deliberately chose to conflate being tolerant and accepting of other people’s fundamental beliefs and cultures to mean “I should be able to do anything with no consequences”.

“I want everyone to have freedom of speech… wait no not like that!”

Really, because looking at the last generation of game design in the West most just do the exact same formulas over and over as well.

Oh, this is going to get so many weirdos going off on one about how because Japan does something distasteful in something they are selling to a global audience we can’t criticise it (even though they will criticise the “forced diversity” of titles developed across the world).

Musk responded, saying “I just killed it,” and “Blue check will be the great leveler.”

So in less than a day they’ve had to remove 50% of the new map content.

No it’s very different because those are Japanese and therefore it’s a different culture something something...

No one gets banned around here anymore.

Has anyone checked to see if that weirdo obsessed with Fetterman losing who’s been hanging round here the last few days is doing ok?

Not surprising. The footage shown looked shite and Ubisoft can’t manage their way out of a paper bag.

If they use it as a chance to explore different continents and new stories count me in.

Surprised the planet hasn’t been consumed by the convergence of the Kathy Griffin and Elon Musk “please, look at me” desperation vortexes.

Retcon it. It was all a hallucination, they rebuilt her, whatever.

Are they also doing that thing where they make it seem like it’s coming from a specific person and not a faceless mass account?

I mean, it could be Earth, just now with an artificial “moon” or two from all the shit that collected up in high orbit from the battle.

Part of me wants to be excited but, given all the staff churn, I can’t help but notice this is a “teaser” that is very cheap to make and suggests any actual footage is a long-way off (unless they’re the “surprise” at this year’s TGAs but that’s doubtful).

Except Andromeda was fine and was actually better in some ways than the OT (namely character depth from the start).