
Thanks, good information. How do you that to antifa, BLM, and their ilk?

Yeah, fuck it, too much work. I’ll just stick to being an asshole. I’ve been training for this role my whole life.

Thanks for the polite discourse and being open minded about it.

Respectfully, if 97% of the population exhibiting a trait is not enough to make assumptions, then assuming your children are going to seek partners at all is even more exclusionary: most adults are now unmarried in the US.

Serious question - is Lifehacker having a difficult time finding content to post? Because there’s been a rise in articles that tell people not to do “x” when those things aren’t very common or just don’t matter much to most people because they’re not serious issues. Or they’re not really lifehacks.

Where do you guys come up with this stuff? It’s like you’re trying to invent things for people to be outraged about.