THIS is the time to bring out those popcorn kernels, drinks, comfy chairs and tissues.
THIS is the time to bring out those popcorn kernels, drinks, comfy chairs and tissues.
I'll be playing with my nephews because they love to play Mario. That and they love playing against a "sucky uncle who can't play (I let them win, K?)."
@(Zombie) Goldwings: Oh you meant that they are big stars :P
Prices have changed...
@slashrandom: This is the TOKYO Game show. inFamous is not released in Japan yet.
@deanbmmv: lol
No Hanna Mantanna? The crowd is not impressed :(
I remember when Sony first announced they were entering the gaming market.
@ Reverse Alpha: Yeaaaaaaaaaaaa
It's the PS Cube.
That's... twelve mini-games confirmed (for the first few months of course).
Halo 3 ODST Halo 3
*sits on a large armchair and ties self with a nylon rope*
@Eschekt: I don't know about that, Sony did a smart move with the slim.
Is this transaction even possible? I mean EA's sport titles alone must be worth a bajillion dollars.
Just another day and another PR stunt.
@-Skyline-: : Seconded. I'll have to hijack my friends Xbox Live service again next time I visit.
Everyday I have no idea why the PSP Go was even made especially with such a large price tag. Excuse the pun, but it has to go. :/