@Desmondia: Some people love the convenience as well as hate some of the BS that goes through making a transaction during a personal visit.
@Desmondia: Some people love the convenience as well as hate some of the BS that goes through making a transaction during a personal visit.
You know if you stuck the title as Modern Warfare 2 then I would have believed it was it. Vice versa as well.
Sandwiched between Crecente and Mcwhertor? That's one of the best kinds of sandwiches Stephen :O
You know going through all those pictures just reminded me of how much I want a Sequel in some shape or form ;_;
Yay, Yay, Yay!
I don't think Halo ever really had a lead character. You couldn't really relate to MC either even if he said a couple of words more than the rookie.
@KirbyMorph: So fucking awesome and last night's episode was pretty good too.
lol Totilo did what I wanted to do when I first played TWEWY. Great job Totilo xD
@-MasterDex-: ಠ_ಠ
ZOMG! Get the dirt, water, gum, bike or whatever you can find that is touching that building.
That wasn't too shabby, but then I saw Tric-Ace's. name stuck in there.
Damn that got me pumped up. I do have 07, so maybe it is time to get a new FIFA...
Ohhhhh. Now I feel green with envy :(
@Adhominem: Kotick in a room full of gamers that read kotaku that know about his stance in the gaming industry... Yes.
Can't really guess when the picture is posted right on the page instead of the post :P
I'm willing to call the motion controls an extension, but who knows how far it'll go. Preferably, I like holding a gamepad/joystick to play my games or mouse and keyboard.
Vice City for only $5? I will gladly pay that amount for the best GTA game ever (for me anyway).
@Derangel: It's a little different for the PS3 only because how much you hear about people wanting the damn thing, but costing too much for the average Joe to buy.