(DEAD) Goldwings - Remembered for his bravery and heroism... xD

It's the new version of the carrot dangling from a stick, instead the payoff isn't a carrot, but your life. Run maggot, RUN!

@ph15h: Eww... inFamous

The gamers will look up and shout "Give us ZOE" and Kojima will whisper.......Do rike it that much?

Man I constantly hear people wanting a sequel to ZOE (missed it, will try it soon), so Kojima-san, please throw them a bone.

@WhiteMage: What is the most requested item for VC?

@spiderweb1986: Yeah I edited it at the last minute, my bad.

Please tell me this isn't the same reason why I am not seeing Jet Force Gemini in XBLA :/

@SanjiX: Analogy time!

@Methusalah: Diddy's Quest ranks as one of my most favourite games of all time. Had a kick ass soundtrack to boot.

Just tell me Bahamuts transformations!

Geez what a waste.

@geiko: So in other words Naughty Dog is awesome.

Fun Fact: That giant PSP is cheaper than the PSP Go :P

@Kanji08: Actually the news of this is quite tame (from what I saw). A lot of the MS fanboys are even acknowledging that Uncharted 2 is a good game.