DotGid`s comic got me thinking of my own life. What would it be like if I never played my first videogame...
DotGid`s comic got me thinking of my own life. What would it be like if I never played my first videogame...
I actually have someone who is planning to get me WMC: GOP next week because they know I am a James Patterson fan, but I haven't really liked the WMC series after
lol. It seems there are a lot of people who have no knowledge of the art of eating anything while gaming. Secret kept and to any that knows it, don't tell anyone else!
Well I guess Sega found out that they have nothing to lose if they bring this game here.
@captain zach america: I just want to see more than 1 Spartan helping you fight the Covenant. Halo Wars does not cut it for me.
@TOWER_JUNKIE: The single player campaign of ODST seems to have more personality than Halo 3. Based on the few videos I've managed to watch, so don't quote me on that.
I've read a couple of reviews for the game and I have to say besides it being more interesting in the story department, I am excited about the firefight mode since it is everything I wanted in a console as a killing field-esque kind of game, but with vehicles and minus the monsters.
55 levels of zombies, zombies and more zombies. When will the fad end?!
Remember folks; anyone that doesn't know what you perceive as common knowledge are idiots (duh!).
When a game you play becomes work, it most of the time becomes less enjoyable.
That bag of his better be carrying more ammo.
@ithyphallus, lazy beareaucrat: That's a little farfetch'd (yeah I get around here :P)
I'm glad for their facination because these are incredible O_O
@spannu: He'll need a horse then :/
Finally! Sir-Lucius you have a star. You are one of the few people I follow because I admire a lot of the things you say. :D
@GeneralBattuta: Once again my bad.
The next installment of the Ace Attorney series.
@J3rdstkillah (Buying Borderlans, add me PSN(Sir_poopsalot ).): Legendia is considered the black sheep of the tales series and in my opinion one of the least appealing ones compared to the others.
@Archaotic: Ah that explains it.
@SanjiX: Not really, but I do recommend trying one of the Tales games. Abyss, Heart and or Symphonia are good starters.