@Paradox me: THIS!
@Paradox me: THIS!
The lack of Tales of Abyss saddens me :(
@Rachel Fogg: Can NOT be exploited.
@Ueziel: Damn you for reminding me that Mega Man Mania was cancelled. Maybe 25th anniversary? :(
@Rachel Fogg: Wolf over Vampire but Zombies over all supernatural things.
Mega Man History book: Depicts a blue robot that fights for mankind versus an evil scientist and his inventions all using man as an affix.
@Sobersean: ...how then will future generations know of the legendary deeds of Megaman?
Petz: Sharkz.
@Sonira - not a zombie!: Don't the Twilight books they have a glittering horse(s) that sever heads?
Proof that when adding something that does not belong, it causes confusion, fear and anger O_o
@Jouen: Tetris. A game that will never change... until now.
@excel_excel: Dude that's nuts. I finished Phoenix Wright 2 last week. I replayed it at least 3 times now (I love the Ace Attorney games).
Scribblenauts, Mario and Luigi, Professor Layton 2 and inFamous.
With this, Left 4 Dead is not an FPHS (First Person Horror Shooter).
@Alex_Mexico: BAAH! I got it right the first time, but thought I got the TO and FROM mixed up again.
@NekuSakuraba gave up on Digimon: I had to camp out at my local Toys R Us to get those things on a cold 20th of December for my nephews D:
I see Tristan is a fan of Bakugan or the neighbourhood kids are anyway.
@sentroshi: This is nothing but a tactic to get people talking about the issue at hand (BBC's show), which is funny because this is a very isolated situation.
*Keeps arms on down*