Juan Sotolicious

Ahh my bad. We got a guy at my work that does the hump day thing on Wednesdaies and it reminded me of you.

Could the Raptors flip him?

It’s unfair to say that Peter Angelos is the Dan Snyder of MLB owners. Sure, he’s an awful person, miserable to his team and it’s fans, loves to see his team get worse every year. But the big difference would be that Snyder likes football. He may confuse its rules with Badminton on a regular basis, but he likes the

The only thing more England than being England immediately is tricking people into thinking you might not be England and then being England

Well, if he’s not going to be in jail then playing minor league baseball is probably the next best punishment.

No offense, but maybe the title should have been:

Weird. He only averaged .5 steals a game.

Yeah, I kinda agree. But then again, I’m more of a Marla Hooch girl, myself.

This dude is an A’s fan and lives in Pittsburg, California. He would have been much better off letting one of them dome him and put him out of his misery.

In soccer terms, no.

“i used to be a nazi. i still am, but i used to too” -heinrich hedberg

He only hits singles, never walks, and has a squirt gun keychain for an arm.

This is on Tyronn Lue. If he had put the Roomba in instead of JR Smith, this never would have happened.

People were speculating that this was the person responsible for the cheerleading scandal. Just goes to show you that he was who we thought he was. Glad to see they didn’t let him off the hook.

I mean, fucking Maryland has won an ACC football title in that same time frame.

“I’m sorry miss but before I let you onto the plane I’m really going to need to hear you sing the first two verses of Stevie Wonder’s “Jungle Fever’”

*Ed Hochuli voice* Football teams are so homophobic that they ask players at the combine about their sexuality. There have long been unfounded rumors that OBJ is gay, because he is stylish. Therefore, after further review, issa joke.

The Giants will probably be so happy to see evidence that OBJ isn’t gay that they’ll let the drugs thing slide.

“It’s not dust, it’s DiGiorno”