
Could you clarify why you think the Nye quotation is bullshit? What he is saying is that ‘race’ as it has been applied historically is biologically and scientifically nonexistent. Now, we can talk about the social construction of race and the development of racist ideology stemming from ideas of cultural evolution,

I am a (more or less) straight woman, and I am with you. I have slept with numerous men while ‘blacked out’, after nights of heavy drinking by BOTH parties. In fact, I have no doubt that I initiated the encounters, as I very much like to 1) drink and 2) have sex with men. Are people confusing blacked out with passed

Maybe instead of just dismissing these things, we should focus on redirecting these stereotypes towards a more nuanced understanding of cultural history. So, for example, deconstructing where these stereotypes come from (this will help to deter such incidents in the future). It could also be beneficial to encourage

The best part of the Kanye interruption, for me, was that Beck legitimately seemed to have no idea what this was referencing. He was all "come back up, I need help" because he is not a crazy self-obsessed celebrity, and while a bit eccentric, seems like a pretty ok dude. I wonder if he has even watched the VMAs since

Utah, come visit Utah. No state comes close to the absurd alcohol laws in this state. Not a one. Nobody expects the Zion curtain.


Thanks, wrote it quickly this morning!

I am all for critiquing our culture's obsession with female beauty standards. In this case, however, I am with the others who feel that the initial reaction to RZ's appearance occurred because she looked SO different. Sorry to get sciency here, but facial recognition is one of the first and most important cognitive

I am still dumbfounded by this ignorance. 2 of the 3 (Guinea and Sierra Leone) countries have a significant Muslim majority. I lived in Guinea for a while, and they may KNOW it is Christmas, Bono, they don't give a shit. Just pick another song to assuage your feigned white guilt.

A nice Ol' Fashioned, huh?

I feel like most/all of these issues should be acknowledged well before you even become engaged.

Wait, what? You just blew my mind. I know Amber Tamblyn not from Sisterhood, but from General Hospital (I am not ashamed. I love my stories). I am also mildly (ok ridiculously) in love with David Cross, but somehow missed the fact that they were together, much less married. Plus, just LOOK at her dress, and their

After some investigation, I'd stick with the fictional '70s Riff Raff. Here is the modern manifestation (and this one is a real person, apparently).

Sounds like a perfect LDS Hallmark card.

Moved to Utah about 1 year ago (originally from NY). The LDS view of homosexuality is confusing and stunningly backwards. It is OK to be attracted to the same sex, but the act is sinful? "We love our lesbian and gay brothers and sisters." Sure. (http://mormonsandgays.org/).

While I think we put too much weight on reaching orgasm (the other bits are plenty satisfying), I definitely feel your pain. When I was younger I was not able to climax, and it was very frustrating. Not to get all psychotherapeutic on you, and this is all from personal experience, but it seems like you are putting too

I am so very angry that my immediate reaction is that this is a good and useful product.

What I immediately pictured....

I see your point, but since I haven't read it I can't really speak to the 'wrong idea' they might be getting. In my opinion and experience, exploration leads to self-discovery and to finding out what you enjoy (which may or may not be BDSM in the end), and is a good thing regardless of where you start. And if they are